On the Four Aesthetic Features of British Drama in Its Evolution of Modernity
摘要: 现代性是英国戏剧漫长发展史上的恒常议题,也是充满历史纵深感的文学事实,与英国戏剧演进的具体情境有着复杂微妙的联系。从文艺复兴末期开始,英国戏剧开启了漫长而曲折的现代性演进历程,经过启蒙、中止、复苏,最终在坚守民族性与博采众长的基础上确立了现代性。英国戏剧现代性演进史是英国戏剧民族化与世界化的进化史,从现代性视角出发对文艺复兴以降的英国戏剧进行美学观照,提炼英国戏剧现代性进程中的美学特征,如现代性生成的复杂性、创作主客体的大众化、戏剧表现形式的多元化及现代性诉求的延续性等,可以为当下英国戏剧研究提供借鉴。Abstract: In the evolution of British drama, modernity is a constant topic and a historical literary event, having a complicated and subtle relationship with the specific context in which British drama develops. Since late Renaissance, British drama has started its modern evolution of enlightenment, pause, transition and final establishment by adhering to national character and absorbing international experiences. The journey of British drama pursuing modernity also reflects its evolution of nationalization and globalization. From the perspective of modernity, the thesis attempts to examine and generalize the four aesthetic features of modern British drama, including the complex background of its evolution, the popular tendency of the subject and object, the diversity of artistic expression, and the continuous pursuit of modernity, hoping to be of any reference for the related research.
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