Study on the Effect of Pesticide Treatment Timing on Tobacco Root-Knot Nematode Disease Control
摘要: 烟草根结线虫病的发生给四川凉山烟区带来了巨大的经济损失,同时严重制约了该地区烟叶健康可持续发展.为明确化学药剂高效控制烟草根结线虫的最佳施药时期,以达到减少用药量、提高防治效率的目的,本研究分别在烟草移栽前、移栽后15 d、移栽后30 d窝施阿维菌素和噻唑膦,探究2种药剂在不同施药时期对烟草根结线虫的防治效果.结果表明,窝施阿维菌素和噻唑膦对根结线虫病具有一定控制效果,移栽前窝施对烟草根结线虫的整体防效可达78%以上,移栽后15 d处理的防效仅为50%左右,移栽后30 d处理的防效低于18%.2种药剂能显著促进烟株生长,但随药剂处理时间延长,防效和促生效果均降低.因此,烟草根结线虫防控的关键时间应为移栽前,药剂与移栽点土壤充分混合可起到杀虫效果,保证烟株后期正常生长.Abstract: Tobacco root knot nematode is a most important soil-borne tobacco disease in southwest China,especially in Liangshan prefecture of Sichuan province.In order to investigate the optimal time of pesticide application for reducing pesticide use and improving control efficiency,a field experiment was made in the tobacco-growing area of Liangshan,in which avermectin or thiazophos was applied to the soil 15 d before tobacco seedling transplanting,or 15 or 30 d after transplanting to compare the effects of the two pesticides on tobacco root-knot nematode. The results showed that both pesticides had some effect of controlling the occurrence of nematode disease and promoting the growth of tobacco plants. The earlier the soil were treated with the pesticides the better the effect would be.The control efficiency was 78% or more when pesticide application was made before transplanting,lowered to 50% when pesticide application was made 15 daysafter transplanting and dropped to a mere 18% when treatment was made 30 daysafter transplanting.
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