Green Technology for Prevention and Control of Peanut Diseases and Insect Pests in Rushan City
摘要: 花生素有“长生果”之称,是山东省乳山市重要的油料作物和经济作物之一,也是一种非常受群众喜爱的健康食品.近年来,花生病虫害发生程度,严重危害花生生产.为了提高花生产量和品质,本文提出了花生病虫害防治的重要性,总结了乳山市采取的主要防控措施,综述了农业防治、物理防治、生物防治等绿色防控集成技术以及推广后取得的工作成效.研究结果旨在为实现农药减量、产品提质、农业绿色可持续发展提供支持.Abstract: Peanut, known as 'long-live' fruit, is one of the important oil crops and cash crops in Rushan City. It is a very popular health food. In recent years, the occurrence of peanut diseases and insect pests has seriously damaged peanut production. In order to improve the peanut yield and quality, this paper puts forward the importance of prevention and control of peanut diseases and insect pests, summarized the main prevention and control measures applied in rushan city, reviewed achievements on application and promotion of integrated green prevention and control of technologies of agricultural control, physical control, and biological control. The results of the study are aimed to reduce the use of pesticide, improve product quality, maintain the sustainable development of agricultural.
Key words:
- peanut /
- pests and diseases /
- unified prevention and control /
- green prevention and control .
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