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2017 Volume 39 Issue 1
Article Contents

Jing-nan QI, Li YANG, Jian-dong LI. Simultaneous Determination of Silicon, Aluminum, Titanium and Manganese in Ferroniobium by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry[J]. Journal of Southwest University Natural Science Edition, 2017, 39(1): 114-118. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk.2017.01.018
Citation: Jing-nan QI, Li YANG, Jian-dong LI. Simultaneous Determination of Silicon, Aluminum, Titanium and Manganese in Ferroniobium by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry[J]. Journal of Southwest University Natural Science Edition, 2017, 39(1): 114-118. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk.2017.01.018

Simultaneous Determination of Silicon, Aluminum, Titanium and Manganese in Ferroniobium by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry

More Information
  • Received Date: 16/04/2015
    Available Online: 20/01/2017
  • MSC: O657.31

  • Ferroniobium samples dissolved by HNO3 and HF at room temperature were examined, and the matrix matching method was used to eliminate interference of coexisting elements. The stability was enhanced by adding yttrium as the internal standard. In addition, such parameters as RF power, atomized air flow and auxiliary air flow for the inductively coupled plasma spectrometer were investigated, and the optimum analysis parameters for the instruments were determined. An editing analysis program of the ICP analysis software was used to realize automatic drawing of the working curves and the calculation of the data. The results of an experiment showed that this method is simple, fast and accurate and, therefore, is recommended for application in determining silicon, aluminum, titanium or manganese in ferroniobium.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Simultaneous Determination of Silicon, Aluminum, Titanium and Manganese in Ferroniobium by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry

Abstract: Ferroniobium samples dissolved by HNO3 and HF at room temperature were examined, and the matrix matching method was used to eliminate interference of coexisting elements. The stability was enhanced by adding yttrium as the internal standard. In addition, such parameters as RF power, atomized air flow and auxiliary air flow for the inductively coupled plasma spectrometer were investigated, and the optimum analysis parameters for the instruments were determined. An editing analysis program of the ICP analysis software was used to realize automatic drawing of the working curves and the calculation of the data. The results of an experiment showed that this method is simple, fast and accurate and, therefore, is recommended for application in determining silicon, aluminum, titanium or manganese in ferroniobium.

  • 近年来,铌铁的应用领域不断拓展,冶金行业主要用来冶炼含铌钢.在高温钢和工具钢中,铌的加入可以提高钢的热强度性、抗蠕变性和韧性.在铁素体不锈钢中,加入铌可以改善钢的焊接性能和抗蚀性能等.铌铁中硅、铝、钛、锰元素的含量对铌铁的性质也很重要.然而,硅的检测方法不多,国家标准采用重量法[1],但对质量分数小于1.0%的硅不能测定.文献报导的方法大多用分光光度法,铝和钛也多用光度法与滴定法测定[2-4],这些方法都存在操作步骤繁琐和周期长的缺点;也有应用ICP-AES光谱法测定硅、铝等多元素的分析方法[5-21],但用硫酸高温冒烟处理样品技术,易造成硅损失,使测定结果偏低.本研究通过大量的试验,采用硝酸、氢氟酸和过氧化氢在常温下溶解样品,找出酸的最佳比例;建立了电感耦合等离子体光谱法同时测定铌铁中硅、铝、钛、锰的质量分数的分析方法,试验结果表明方法准确可靠.

1.   试验部分
  • 硝酸(ρ约1.42 g/mL);氢氟酸(ρ约1.15 g/mL).硝酸(唐山市迁乔科技有限公司)、氢氟酸(宜春金浩科技有限公司)均为优级纯.

    标准储备溶液包括:硅标准溶液(500 μg/mL);铝标准溶液(1 000 μg/mL);锰标准溶液(1 000 μg/mL);钛标准溶液(1 000 μg/mL).这些标准溶液均购自北京钢研纳克公司.

  • OPERTIMA-4300DV型电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(美国PE公司),雾化器为耐氢氟酸的雾化器,工作参数为辅助气流量0.2 L/min;雾化气流量0.8 L/min;等离子气流量15 L/min;RF功率1 300 W.

  • 称0.100 0 g试样于200 mL塑料烧杯中,加10 mL HNO3(1+1),分次滴加5 mL HF,边滴边摇,加5滴过氧化氢助溶;待样品溶解完全时,移入100 mL塑料容量瓶中,加入10 μg钇,用水稀释至刻度,混匀.

  • 在5个塑料容量瓶加入相同的铌质量分数为60.0%(高纯铌)和铁质量分数为40.0%(基准纯铁)的溶液,按表 1加入待测元素标准溶液及10 μg钇(北京钢研纳克公司),用水稀释至刻度,混匀.


2.   结果与讨论
  • 原则上选择灵敏度较高、背景低、干扰少和发射强度稳定的谱线为分析线.从谱线库中选了硅元素的3条分析线:251.611,212.412,288.158 nm,并进行了试验,硅的212.412 nm光谱图见图 1.

    图 1可看到212.412 nm谱线的重叠峰是铌元素对硅的干扰,而谱线251.611 nm受铁的影响较大,谱线288.158 nm受共存元素的干扰最小,灵敏度也满足分析要求,因此硅选择288.158 nm谱线做分析线.同样钛元素选择了3条分析线337.279,334.903,368.519 nm进行试验.由图谱上看到,谱线337.279 nm和334.903 nm均存在铌元素严重的重叠峰干扰.因此,钛元素的分析线选择368.519 nm,铝元素选择396.153 nm,锰元素选择257.610 nm,谱线受干扰最小,灵敏度均满足分析要求,并且所选元素谱线之间也无干扰.

  • 样品中同时存在Cu等微量元素对测定元素也无影响;试验了质量分数为60.0%的铌及质量分数为40.0%的铁的干扰,采用基体匹配法可消除.

  • 分析了6个相同铌铁样品,因铌铁不能溶解在单一的HNO3中,能溶解在HF与HNO3的混合酸中,固定HNO3加入量为5 mL,试验了HF用量对样品结果的影响,具体数据见表 2.

    表 2看出,加1 mL HF,经过30 min的时间仍然有明显的不溶物,而加入5 mL或6 mL氢氟酸时,样品最短在15 min左右反应完.但应避免溶解时间太长,样品反应完全氢氟酸的最小用量是5 mL,因此第5组比例的酸为最佳.

  • 选择了某个铌铁样品中硅成分,通过改变仪器功率、雾化气流量和辅助气流量参数,观察硅元素发射强度的变化(图 2-图 4).

    图 2可知,随着仪器射频功率的增大,测定元素的发射强度也呈线性增强,但功率过高会损坏仪器,因此射频功率选择1 300 W;由图 3看到,横坐标值在0.8时,元素的发射强度达到最大值,因此雾化气的流量选0.8 L/min;由图 4可知,横坐标值在0.2时,元素的发射强度达到最大值,所以辅助气流量选0.2 L/min.

3.   样品分析
  • 选取某一铌铁试样,按试验方法进行10次测定,精密度结果见表 3.

  • 对铌铁GSB03-2202-2008(钢铁研究总院)和铌铁EURO-CRM579-1(英国BAS)两个参考样品进行准确度试验,测定结果见表 4.

  • 对铌铁样品进行了铝、钛、锰、硅元素回收率的试验,测定结果见表 5.

4.   结语
  • 通过精密度试验可看到,硅、铝、锰、钛元素的相对标准偏差均小于2.5%,方法的回收率在98%~102%之间;选择2个标准样品进行了准确度试验,其测得值与标准值之间的偏差能满足分析方法的要求.综上所述,通过使用适当比例的硝酸、氢氟酸和过氧化氢实现了室温下溶解样品;采用内标法和基体匹配法提高了方法的精密度和准确度,实现了电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法同时测定铌铁中硅、铝、锰、钛元素的目的,试验表明,方法准确、可靠,结果令人满意.

Figure (4)  Table (5) Reference (21)



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