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2017 Volume 39 Issue 1
Article Contents

Xiao-qing OU, Jin-fu LI, Jia LIU, et al. An Alternative Theorem for a Class of Cone Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Problems[J]. Journal of Southwest University Natural Science Edition, 2017, 39(1): 109-113. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk.2017.01.017
Citation: Xiao-qing OU, Jin-fu LI, Jia LIU, et al. An Alternative Theorem for a Class of Cone Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Problems[J]. Journal of Southwest University Natural Science Edition, 2017, 39(1): 109-113. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk.2017.01.017

An Alternative Theorem for a Class of Cone Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Problems

More Information
  • Corresponding author: Jia-wei CHEN
  • Received Date: 05/12/2014
    Available Online: 20/01/2017
  • MSC: O177.91

  • Multiobjective optimization is a common problem in economic management and game theory. However, a great number of practical economic management problems are subject to the constraints of external and internal conditions. That is why constrained multiobjective optimization problems have aroused wide concern. Optimality conditions of multiobjective optimization problems are one of the important contents in the optimization theory. This paper is devoted to the study of the optimality conditions of a class of cone constrained multiobjective optimization problems by image space analysis. A class of regular weak separation functions is introduced by the oriented distance function, and an alternative theorem is established. Finally, some sufficient and necessary optimality conditions for cone constrained multiobjective optimization problems are obtained by the alternative theorem, without the convexity of the involved mappings.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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An Alternative Theorem for a Class of Cone Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Problems

    Corresponding author: Jia-wei CHEN

Abstract: Multiobjective optimization is a common problem in economic management and game theory. However, a great number of practical economic management problems are subject to the constraints of external and internal conditions. That is why constrained multiobjective optimization problems have aroused wide concern. Optimality conditions of multiobjective optimization problems are one of the important contents in the optimization theory. This paper is devoted to the study of the optimality conditions of a class of cone constrained multiobjective optimization problems by image space analysis. A class of regular weak separation functions is introduced by the oriented distance function, and an alternative theorem is established. Finally, some sufficient and necessary optimality conditions for cone constrained multiobjective optimization problems are obtained by the alternative theorem, without the convexity of the involved mappings.

  • 弱有效解是经济、决策理论、多目标优化理论以及最优控制与博弈论中的重要概念之一.对于多目标优化问题弱有效解的研究常常涉及目标函数与约束函数的凸性[1-3].众所周知,择一定理在研究多目标优化问题的最优性条件与对偶性中起着至关重要的作用.文献[4]提出像空间分析理论对约束优化问题进行统一研究.这类优化问题常常可等价地表示成一个参数系统的不可行性以及约束优化问题像空间中两个集合的分离性.随后,许多学者用像空间分析理论研究了向量优化问题、向量变分不等式等约束优化问题的最优性条件、对偶性、误差界、间隙函数以及非线性分离性等[5-11].在Banach空间中,Hiriart-Urruty[12]用定向距离函数(oriented distance function)Δ刻画非光滑优化问题的几何性质,从而得到了非凸优化问题的最优性必要条件.定向距离函数Δ也被称为一类非线性标量化函数[8-11],正是其显著的几何特征而被广泛应用于研究各类优化问题的最优性条件.后来,Zaffaroni[13]进一步研究了定向距离函数Δ的性质.


1.   预备知识
  • 无特别说明,本文总假设 $\mathbb{R}$ 为实数集, ${{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}$ n维欧氏空间,X ${{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}$ 为非空闭凸子集,CD分别为 ${{\mathbb{R}}^{m}}$ ${{\mathbb{R}}^{l}}$ 的闭凸点锥且具有非空内部intC,intD,映像f ${{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}$ ${{\mathbb{R}}^{m}}$ ,g: ${{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}$ ${{\mathbb{R}}^{l}}$ 为向量值映射.设M ${{\mathbb{R}}^{m}}$ 的任意非空凸锥,则M的对偶锥定义为

    对于函数ψX $\mathbb{R}$ ∪{±∞},α $\mathbb{R}$ ,集合


    考虑如下约束多目标优化问题(简记为M OP)

    记M OP的可行域为 $\mathscr{F}$ ={xXg(x)∈D}.

    下面介绍M OP的像及相关符号:设xX.定义映像 $\mathscr{A}$ x ${{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}$ ${{\mathbb{R}}^{m}}$ × ${{\mathbb{R}}^{l}}$


    称集合 $\mathscr{K}$ x为M OP在点x的像,如果空间 ${{\mathbb{R}}^{m}}$ × ${{\mathbb{R}}^{l}}$ 为M OP的像空间.

    定义1x $\mathscr{F}$ 称为M OP的弱有效解,如果

    记M OP的弱有效解集为 $\mathscr{F}$ w.

    定义2[5] 若函数ω ${{\mathbb{R}}^{m}}$ × ${{\mathbb{R}}^{l}}$ ×∏→ $\mathbb{R}$ 满足:

    则称ω为正则弱分离函数,其中∏为参数集合.记所有正则弱分离函数的集合为 $\mathscr{W}$ $\mathscr{R}$ (∏).

    定义3[12] 设 $\mathscr{M}$ ∉Y.函数Δ $\mathscr{M}$ Y $\mathbb{R}$ ∪{±∞},

    称为定向距离函数,其中 ${d_{\mathscr{M}}}\left( y \right) = \mathop {\inf }\limits_{m \in {\cal \mathscr{M}}} {\mkern 1mu} \left\| {y - m} \right\|$ yY $\mathscr{M}$ 的距离.

    引理1[13] 设 $\mathscr{M}$ Y的非空子集且 $\mathscr{M}$ Y,则有:

    (ⅰ)Δ $\mathscr{M}$ 为1-李普希兹实值函数,即对任意y1y2Y,|Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y1)-Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y2)|≤‖y1-y2 ‖;

    (ⅱ)对任意y ∈int $\mathscr{M}$ Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y)<0;

    (ⅲ)对任意y ∈∂ $\mathscr{M}$ Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y)=0,其中∂ $\mathscr{M}$ $\mathscr{M}$ 的边界;

    (ⅳ)对任意y ∈int(Y\ $\mathscr{M}$ ),Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y)>0;

    (ⅴ) $\mathscr{M}$ ={yΔ $\mathscr{M}$ (y)≤0}当 $\mathscr{M}$ 为闭集;

    (ⅵ)Δ $\mathscr{M}$ 为凸的,若 $\mathscr{M}$ 为凸集;

    (ⅶ)Δ $\mathscr{M}$ 为正齐次的,若 $\mathscr{M}$ 为锥;

    (ⅷ)如果 $\mathscr{M}$ 为闭凸锥,则对任意y1y2Yy1-y2 $\mathscr{M}$ Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y1)≤Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y2);

    特别地,若int $\mathscr{M}$ y1-y2∈int $\mathscr{M}$ Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y1)<Δ $\mathscr{M}$ (y2).

    引理2[14] 设CY为闭凸点锥,且intC.则有:




    引理3x $\mathscr{F}$ w当且仅当 $\mathscr{K}$ x $\mathscr{H}$ =,即不存在xX满足 $\mathscr{A}$ x(x)∈ $\mathscr{H}$ .

2.   主要结果
  • 在本节中,我们用定向距离函数Δ引入一类不同于文献[11]的正则弱分离函数,借助该类正则弱分离函数建立了一个择一定理.最后,通过择一定理在不涉及函数凸性的条件下得到了锥约束多目标优化问题弱有效解的充分和必要最优性条件.首先,定义如下非线性函数:


    引理4ω $\mathscr{W}$ $\mathscr{R}$ (∏),其中∏=D*.

     对任意(uv)∈ $\mathscr{H}$ λD*u∈intCvD,进而,由引理1与引理2,可得


    反之,假设存在 $\left( \hat{u},\hat{v} \right)$ ${{\mathbb{R}}^{m}}$ × ${{\mathbb{R}}^{l}}$ \ $\mathscr{H}$ , 使得

    由于 $\left( \hat{u},\hat{v} \right)$ ${{\mathbb{R}}^{m}}$ × ${{\mathbb{R}}^{l}}$ \ $\mathscr{H}$ ,则 ${\hat{u}}$ ∉intC ${\hat{v}}$ D.

    ${\hat{u}}$ ∉intC,由引理1(ⅲ),(ⅳ)可得-ΔC( ${\hat{u}}$ )≤0.取λ=0Z*,从而

    与(1) 式矛盾!

    ${\hat{v}}$ D,则存在 ${\hat{\lambda }}$ D* ${\hat{\lambda }}$ ≠0使得 ${{{\hat{\lambda }}}^{\top}}\hat{v}$ <0.因为D*为锥,则对任意4>0,c ${\hat{\lambda }}$ D*,进而

    与(1) 式矛盾!



    由定义2知,ω $\mathscr{W}$ $\mathscr{R}$ (∏),其中∏=D*.

    引理5 系统 $\mathscr{A}$ x(x)∈ $\mathscr{H}$ xX与系统:


     若系统 $\mathscr{A}$ x(x)∈ $\mathscr{H}$ , xX成立,则存在 ${\hat{x}}$ X使得g( ${\hat{x}}$ )∈D



    故系统(2) 不成立.

    反之,若系统(2) 成立.由引理4,有

    故系统 $\mathscr{A}$ x(x)∈ $\mathscr{H}$ xX不成立.


    定理1 设xX.若存在 ${\hat{\mu }}$ D*,使得

    则有x $\mathscr{F}$ w.


    定理2 设xX.则x $\mathscr{F}$ w的充要条件为

     充分性若(4) 式成立.于是有

    假设x $\mathscr{F}$ w,则存在 ${\tilde{x}}$ $\mathscr{F}$ ,使得


    与(5) 式矛盾!故x $\mathscr{F}$ w.

    必要性 若x $\mathscr{F}$ w,则



    易知(6) 式等价于

    故系统 $\mathscr{A}$ x(x)=(f(x)-f(x),g(x))∈ $\mathscr{H}$ xX不成立.由命题3, $\mathscr{K}$ x $\mathscr{H}$ =.联合引理4,对每一xX,存在μD*,使得


    故由(7),(8) 式,有


Reference (14)



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