ZHOU Zhi-bo, CHEN Xi-ding. The Economic Effect of Capital Tax Policy in Small Open Economy[J]. Journal of Southwest University Natural Science Edition, 2021, 43(1): 135-141. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk.2021.01.016
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ZHOU Zhi-bo, CHEN Xi-ding. The Economic Effect of Capital Tax Policy in Small Open Economy[J]. Journal of Southwest University Natural Science Edition, 2021, 43(1): 135-141. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xdzk.2021.01.016
The Economic Effect of Capital Tax Policy in Small Open Economy
Chongqing Municipal Taxation Bureau, Chongqing 401121, China
School of Finance and Trade, Wenzhou Business College, Wenzhou Zhejiang 325035, China
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CHEN Xi-ding
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In order to study the impact of capital tax policy on macroeconomic variables in small open economies, an economic model with Cobb-Douglas production function and exogenous technological progress is established in this paper, and how three different types of capital tax policies (dividend income tax, capital income tax and enterprise income tax) affect social investment, economic growth and socialwelfare levelis analyzed. The results show that the introduction of capital tax leads to adistortion effect, and the present value of representative enterprises decreases with the increase of enterprise income tax rate; thatthe optimal capital stock is a decreasing function of net return on capital, enterprise income tax rate and dividend income tax rate in the world market; that if the cost of capital adjustment is small, the speed of capital convergence will accelerate, andif capital adjustment is big enough, capital convergence rate is an increasing function of enterprise income tax rate and dividend income tax rate and a decreasing function of capital income tax rate; and that the increase of capital tax rate has two effects: one is that it leads to the decrease of capital stock and wage level under the new stable state, and the other is that the increase of tax revenue causes the increase inone-time transfer payment, the net effect of policy adjustment depending on the relativestrength of the two.
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