生态系统服务是指通过生态系统的结构、过程和功能直接或间接得到的生命支持产品和服务,形成与维持人类赖以生存和发展的自然环境条件与效用[1-2].基于现有的评估模型和工具,许多学者从物质量和价值量两个方面,通过量化各类生态系统服务能力的强弱来评估生态系统服务价值.自联合国2005年公布千年生态系统评估(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,MA)报告以来[3],生态系统服务研究逐渐超越单纯静态价值评估的阶段,向着更加重视生态系统服务对人类福祉的影响、更加重视生态系统服务的区域差异方向演进[4].但目前对生态系统服务和人类福祉关系的研究仍以概念框架和定性描述为主[5-6],要让决策者明确贫困和弱势人群将如何受到资源和发展的影响,需要量化生态系统服务对人类福祉的贡献,尤其是从微观视角精确刻画人类福祉对生态系统服务的依赖程度,否则在追求经济增长和人类发展中,将无法缓解生态环境退化与经济贫困恶化两大困局[2, 5]. Yang等[7]首次提出一种量化人类对生态系统服务依赖程度的指数体系,并实证分析中国卧龙自然保护区农户对当地生态系统服务的依赖程度,为定量分析人类福祉和生态系统服务的关系提供了思路.
农户作为农村微观经济活动的主体和基本决策单位,其采取的生计策略不仅决定着对当地自然资源的利用方式与效率,更决定着对当地生态系统的干预方式与程度[5, 8].生计资本不仅是理解农户所采取的生计策略和所处风险环境的基础,也是理解农户对当地生态系统服务依赖程度的切入点[8-9].然而,现有研究较多关注国家自然保护区设立[7]、异地移民搬迁[5, 10]、农地整治[11]对农户生态系统服务依赖度的影响,并选取生计资本的某几个方面作为控制变量来分析生计资本与生态系统服务依赖度的关系,且结果建立在均值回归模型的基础上,但二者之间并不一定是简单的线性关系,因而也难以准确度量生计资本对农户生态系统服务依赖度的贡献水平.同时,不同区域农户生计资本和生态系统服务也表现出明显的空间异质[12-13],那么理论推断不同区域农户对生态系统服务的依赖程度自然不同,且生计资本对农户生态系统服务依赖度的影响可能存在区域差异.鉴于此,本研究基于湖北省江汉平原和武陵山区部分市(县)483份农户调查数据,通过构建农户生计资本评价指标体系和生态系统服务依赖度指数体系,探讨生计资本对农户生态系统服务依赖度的影响及其区域差异,以期为政府了解农户的生态系统服务依赖度并在农户生计能力建设项目中有效定位目标群体提供有用参考.
Impact of Livelihood Capital on Farmers' Dependence on Ecosystem Services
- Received Date: 04/07/2019
- Available Online: 20/01/2021
Key words:
- livelihood capital /
- farmers' well-being /
- dependence on ecosystem services /
- Jianghan plain /
- the Wuling mountains
Abstract: Based on the survey data collected from 483 farmer households of Tianmen city and Qianjiang city of Jianghan plain, and Xuan'en county and Xianfeng county of the Wuling Mountainous in Hubei province, an index system of livelihood capitalevaluation and an index system of dependence on ecosystem services (IDES) wereestablished, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to analyze the impact of livelihood capital on farmers' dependence on ecosystem services. The results indicated that the IDES of plain farmers was 0.181, while the IDES of mountain farmers was 0.241. The natural and financial capital of plain farmers were significantly higher than those of mountain farmers, and the human, physical and social capital of plain farmers were slightly higher than those of mountain farmers. Land area was positively correlated with IDES of all farmers; household income, household deposit, household assets, the difficulty of borrowing, average years of school attainment, average skill level and average health status of the labor force, and rural infrastructure were negatively correlated and the IDES of all farmer households; there was an inverted-U relationship between labor force ratio and IDES; housing conditions and membership of the community organization had no significant relationship with overall IDES of plain farmers, but were negatively correlated with IDES of mountain farmers.