目前,国内外对于生态风险的研究已积累了相当丰富的经验.从研究对象来看,流域[6-8]、干旱区[5, 9]、沿海地区[10-12]、海岸带[13-14]、自然保护区[15]等为研究的热点区域,近年来,也逐渐有学者将目光投向黄土沟壑区[16]及生态移民区[17-19];从研究尺度上来看,综合考虑研究区面积及景观斑块平均面积来划分的网格为主流研究尺度[20],也有部分学者以市域、县域等行政单位为基本研究单位来开展生态风险研究;从研究方法来看,大多数学者运用景观格局指数构建生态风险模型或者依据统计数据,采用RRM[21-22]、PSR[23]、PESR模型进行相关分析.尽管目前关于生态风险的研究已经相当成熟,但大多数学者在对区域生态风险进行研究时更多考虑其在地理空间和时间序列上的变化特征,很少通过划分地形来分析生态风险变化;同时,对于一定研究期内的区域生态风险变化研究视角较单一,多从各风险等级面积变化或时空分布上来探究,而对于研究期内各等级生态风险之间的转化以及转化的程度研究不够.因而本研究通过构建生态风险动态变化空间分析模型,来分析万州区各等级生态风险之间的转化状况;同时借助地理探测器探测地形因子中对生态风险影响最大的因子,并以此作为地形划分依据,对各个地形的生态风险进行分析.
Eco-risk Assessment and Management Based on Landscape Structure Changes——A Case Study of Wanzhou District of Chongqing
- Received Date: 02/07/2019
- Available Online: 20/01/2021
Key words:
- landscape pattern /
- ecological risk /
- geographical detectors /
- terrain /
- Wanzhou district
Abstract: The change in landscape structure will affect the ecosystem to some extent, andin Wanzhou District, which is a population resettlement region of theThree Gorges, the construction land and traffic land have increased dramatically, which has hada certain effect on the ecological environment of the region. At the same time, due to the complicated geological structure, abundant precipitation, a well-developed river system and poor ecological environment stability, the changes of landscape pattern havehad a profound impact on the ecological environment of the Three Gorges reservoir area. Therefore, in order to discuss the impact of landscape structure changes on eco-systems, Wanzhou District was taken as the research object in this study. By analyzing the spatial and temporal changes of landscape structure and regional ecological risk in Wanzhou District, an array of ecological risk control measures were put forward to improve the ecological environment of Wanzhou District. Based on theland use data for 2009, 2013 and 2016 of Wanzhou and supported byArcGIS and Fragstats, the changes in the landscape structure, the temporal and spatial dynamics of ecological risks and the changes in their distribution in different topographies were analyzed withecological risk index, spatial analysis model for dynamics of ecological risks and geographical detectors, and some management measures for improving the ecological environment of the district were proposed. The resultswere as follows. During the study period, the ecological risk pattern of Wanzhou District was basically stable, but the spatial difference was obvious. In general, taking the Yangtze River as the boundary, the distribution of ecological risks was characterized byhigher values in the west and lower values in the east. From 2009 to 2016, the area of risk-free zone transferred to low-risk zone sharply after amoderate growth; and the serious-risk zone transferred to moderate-risk zonecontinuously, while it made serious- and moderate-risk zone become main turning out zone or the main turning in zone, and the rate of roll out and roll in were respectively 0.95% and 2.11%. In addition, the serious-risk zone was also the risk zone with the most active spatial changes. Serious risks were concentrated in the plain regions, low risks were concentrated in the hilly regions, and the mountainous areas werepotentiallythe main distribution areasof ecological risks. The ecological risk index was sorted by region from largest to smallest: plain, hilly and mountainous. The study adopted different management measures for different risk zones, which has certain reference significance for protecting the ecological environment of Wanzhou District, reducing the ecological risk of the region and improving its ecological service function.