随着城镇化、工业化的持续推进,农村人口大量迁出,村庄用地“内空外扩”,乡村内生发展动力不足、部分聚落空间散乱与集中混乱并存等问题突出[1-2]. 培育乡村新产业新业态、塑造乡村生产-生活-生态新空间、培养乡村乐产乐居新居民是全面实施乡村振兴战略的必由路径. 民宿作为具有激发乡村资源要素活力的新型业态,已成为乡村经济新热点、乡村发展新引擎,能够促进乡村更新与发展[3-5]. 2016年重庆市政府办公厅发布“关于加快乡村旅游发展的意见”(渝府办发〔2016〕127号),要求“支持各地盘活空置农房、闲置集体资产,打造一批富有吸引力的特色民宿、森林人家、休闲农庄和农家乐集群”. 2018年中共中央、国务院印发“乡村振兴战略规划(2018-2022年)”明确指出要“合理利用村庄特色资源,发展乡村旅游和特色产业,形成特色资源保护与村庄发展的良性互促机制”. 2020年国家“十四五”规划将优先发展农业农村、全面推进乡村振兴作为主要行动目标之一,提出实施乡村建设行动、深化农村改革,对村庄规划、乡村风貌、农村人居环境等提出了系列要求. 乡村民宿作为以农村闲置宅基地为载体、以乡村旅游为依托的新业态,可充分盘活农村闲置土地资源、增加农民财产性收入,促进城乡融合发展,助推乡村振兴[6].
国内关于乡村营造的讨论集中于公共空间[7]、绿地景观[8]、社区营造[9-10]等方面,具体表现为基于价值取向、角色认同等视角与理念进行案例区景观或空间现状的分析,总结存在问题,提出营造策略[11-12];也有学者[13]从“人、地、村”三个维度对比分析中日乡村营造系统,提出“人、地、村”三方维系的一体化机制的乡村营造新模式. 国外研究侧重于“农村建设运动”,如韩国的“新村运动”、英国的“景观开发”以及日本的“造村运动”等[14-16],强调通过自上而下的协同推进、机制创新、政策制定等措施重振乡村活力. 总体而言,现有研究[17-18]主要以乡村建设为核心,从建筑学或景观学学科视角探讨乡村环境、空间规划及风貌,内容侧重于现状归纳与策略总结,而对乡村营造的具体内涵及营造过程研究不足. 随着脱贫攻坚目标完成、乡村振兴战略不断推进,各项乡村建设行动相继启动,有必要深化基于新业态视角的乡村营造研究.
A Study of Rural Construction Based on Bayu Homestay
- Received Date: 11/05/2021
- Available Online: 20/07/2021
Key words:
- Bayu Homestay /
- settlement /
- space /
- rural construction
Abstract: Bayu Homestay is a rural bed-and-breakfast project invested and run by Chongqing Bayu Homestay company. The purpose of this project is to find a new way for rural development in remote mountainous areas. By conducting a fieldwork in Bayu Homestay, this paper explores the process and mechanism of rural construction, and try to figure out how to optimize itbased on the analysis of the existing problems. The results areas follows. (1) Bayu Homestayhas coined a development mode called "joint venture with housing, land shares and joint construction and sharing", and clarified that the key problems are fund, source of land use, profit distribution and property right of home stay. (2)By means of "inputting, adding, retaining and integrating" within and without the villages, Bayu Homestay has realized great development, enriched the rural construction methods and activated rural resources elements, thus promoting the construction of rural space by adding the vitality of rural development. (3) In the process of rural space construction, the appearance of the house structure is strengthened and repaired, and the internal facilities are changed from backward to modern, and the spatial function is changed from mixed and fuzzy to independent and clear, the rural living space is gradually qualitative; the arable land changes from scattered to centralized through land transfer, and the space for animal husbandry gradually shrinks and even disappears, and tourism service space is constantly being built and matched, and the production space become intensive; the ecological space in rural settlements is gradually orderly by planning; the interaction of rural production and living space, the compatible transformation of production-ecological space, the interwoven of living-ecological space and the compound space become diverse. (4) The construction and development of Bayu Homestay has achieved success in rural space reconstruction, business development, rural culture inheritance, etc., but there are also some problems such as insufficient excavation of local culture, insufficient financing sources for follow-up development and lack of effective guidance for planning. In the future, the governments should fully consider the spatial needs of each participants, coordinate the rural spatial planning and residential development plan, improve the display, diversity and participation of rural culture, and broaden financing channels to better promote rural construction efficiency.