农村水污染是我国目前面临的一个严峻问题,相比城市污水处理,农村污水处理存在污染源多且污染源分散的问题,形成了排放高、处理难的现象,未经处理的污水排放入农村天然水体中导致水质恶化,对生态环境造成极大的危害[1]. 1993年Wakatsuki等[2]使用多介质土壤层(Multi-Soil-Layering System,MSL)渗滤系统来处理污水,系统由通水层(PL)和土壤混合层(SML)组成,通水层由粒径较大的填料组成,土壤混合层由土壤与当地废弃物混合组成. MSL系统具有低成本、低能耗、环保、易管理的优点,适宜我国农村地区分散型的污水处理模式[3].
传统的MSL系统在农村地区的实际工程应用存在诸多问题,Latrach等[4]通过示踪实验发现,传统MSL系统在运行时其系统内部存在死区,填料利用率低,影响MSL系统的处理效率. 程铭[5]通过实验比较了人工湿地季节变化对COD,NH3-N,TN,TP去除效果的影响,得到结论为夏季的处理效果最佳,冬季处理效果最差,且冬季处理效果仅为夏季的1/3. 吴浩恩等[6]通过监测环境温度的变化来探究进水温度对MSL系统脱氮效果的影响,当环境平均温度由19 ℃下降到15 ℃以下时,MSL系统对NH3-N和TN的去除效果分别下降了10%和17%,其原因在于低温条件下系统内硝化菌和反硝化菌活性降低,从而影响硝化和反硝化反应过程,冬季污水脱氮效果能否达到排放标准便成为了农村污水处理的一大难题. 本研究在传统MSL系统的基础上对其滤料和装置结构进行优化,将4个MSL过滤单元以连通器的形成连接组成四级MSL系统,系统内部形成多个“好氧—厌氧”区域并加入稻壳炭作为反硝化反应的碳源,运行期间对四级MSL系统出水的COD,NH3-N,TN,TP浓度进行监测. 结果表明,四级MSL系统能够有效解决传统MSL系统在低温环境下(<15 ℃)对TN去除效率低的问题,同时解决MSL系统占地面积大、不便维护等实际应用问题,能够为今后相关研究以及该设备的推广使用提供参考.
Efficiency of Rural Sewage Treatment by Multi-Soil-Layering Systemin in Winter
- Received Date: 08/11/2020
- Available Online: 20/02/2022
Key words:
- multi-soil-layering system /
- rural sewage treatment /
- low temperature operation /
- pollution control
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of low efficiency of sewage treatment and substandard drainage quality in rural areas in winter, this study designed a four-stage multi-soil-layering(MSL) system. The four-stage MSL system is composed of four MSL filter units which are used purple soil, iron dust and rice husk charcoal as the filler of improved soil mix ture layer (SML), and used zeolite and gravel as the filler of permeable layer (PL) filler. The effect of the system on treatment of the rural domestic sewage under low temperature (4-15 ℃) conditions was monitored. The results showed that the average removal rate of COD, NH3-N, TN and TP in wastewater under the hydraulic load of 1 000 L/(m2·d) was 75.89%, 71.43%, 68.59% and 86.70%, respectively. The average effluent quality concentration was 85.24 mg/L, 14.33 mg/L, 19.62 mg/L and 0.46 mg/L, respectively. The effectiveness of four-stage MSL system meets the national second-grade discharge standard. The four-stage MSL system can operate stable under shock load conditions, which can better meet the needs of rural sewage treatment in winter.