随着现代社会交通系统的迅猛发展,智能交通系统日益呈现出便捷有效方面的优势.车牌自动识别系统(Automatic License Plate Recognition System,ALPRS)是现代智能交通控制中一个重要的组成部分,它广泛应用在车辆管理和交通流量监控领域,还包括停车、门禁、边境管制、被盗车辆监控等方面[1].车牌识别是一项采用车牌检测识别车辆信息的图像处理技术,利用图像处理和模式识别技术进行的车牌检测[2](License Plate Detection,LPD)是车牌自动识别系统的关键步骤之一,车牌区域检测的准确与否直接影响到车牌自动识别系统的准确率和整体性能.鉴于车牌检测的重要性,目前已有很多研究人员投身这一热点问题,并取得了卓有成效的成果.
为了提高车牌检测准确率和降低检测时间,本文提出一种基于形态学运算的车牌检测算法,该算法不采用传统的基于矩阵乘法的边缘检测方法,而是基于灰度图像内部结构元素比较的形态学顶帽变换运算(Top-hat Operation),与现有方法相比检测速度更快.该算法突出车牌区域,并与背景进行对比,从而简化检测过程.形态学操作采用结构元素SE来检测和比较图像中的形状,因此本文通过设计一种灵活的SE参数优化算法,快速有效地检测出图像中适当的结构轮廓,提高识别算法的准确率.为了验证方法的有效性,本文采用国立雅典理工大学的汽车数据库进行测试.该汽车数据库由571幅图像组成,具备多个分辨率图像,这些图像根据不同的标准(距离、光照、阴影等)分为8组.
A Fast License Plate Detection Algorithm Based on Morphological Structural Elements Optimization
- Received Date: 14/05/2019
- Available Online: 20/07/2020
Key words:
- license plate detection /
- Morphology /
- structural elements /
- parameter optimization
Abstract: License plate detection (LPD) is an important part of automatic license plate recognition system (ALPRS). In order to improve the accuracy of license plate detection and reduce the detection time, a fast license plate detection algorithm based on the morphological structural elements optimization has been proposed. The algorithm first preprocesses the detected image, and then uses the morphological Top-hat transform based on the comparison of the internal structural elements (SE) of the gray image to highlight the license plate area, reduces background interference by threshold of maximum inter-class variance, filters discontinuous salt and pepper noise by morphological opening and closing operations. Finally detecting the license plate area by contour detection and geometric conditions. In order to adapt to various types of license plate shape, the SE parameters of three morphological operations have been optimized in this paper. The experimental results show that the detection accuracy and detection time of this method are better than other license plate detection methods.