人体传感网络(body sensor network,BSN)集成了传感器、电子学、医学、数据分析与融合、人工智能、无线通信和其他创新应用等多学科知识[1]. BSN有着无线化、网络化、信息化的综合优势,将其与物联网(internet of things,IoT)相结合,能够实现人体健康的全程跟踪与服务,可以说由BSN构成的智慧医疗是未来医疗保健低成本化的发展方向之一[2].
Human Body Data Sensing Architecture Based on Edge Cloud Computing
- Received Date: 18/07/2019
- Available Online: 20/07/2020
Key words:
- cloud platform /
- edge cloud computing /
- human body data sensing architecture /
- virtual machine scheduling
Abstract: In order to solve the problem that the cloud platform-based architecture method can not support real-time and mobility when dealing with human body monitoring sensor data, a human body data sensing architecture based on edge cloud computing has been proposed in this paper and been used for big data analysis. It constructs a three-layer cloud computing human body data stream architecture, which is composed of wireless body area network, edge cloud system and central cloud system respectively. Then, a mobile service architecture supporting real-time and mobility is proposed for the human body data stream architecture. The architecture uses the edge server between the central cloud data center and the user, and the edge cloud data sensing architecture is designed. The software architecture consists of three layers of application programming interface for sensor devices, edge clouds, and central clouds. In addition, a storage architecture has been designed in this paper that supports multiple types of applications, optimizes the sensing architecture and improves data storage reliability. The experimental results show that the edge cloud-based architecture reduces the failure rate and overall server utilization caused by virtual machine capacity, and is superior to the existing architecture in terms of service time and data processing time.