教育学自从哲学的母体中“分离”出来并走向独立发展以来,就面临着学科体系、学术体系和话语体系的建设问题。其中,基本理念作为一个学科的“灵魂”,自然也是教育学学科建设中不可或缺的探讨对象,故教育学界长期以来就关注诸如教育中人的多面性、人的教育性、教育的目的性、教育的客观作用与主观价值等基本理念层面的问题。在教育基本理念探讨中,康德(Immanuel Kant)既承接了夸美纽斯(Johann Amos Comenius)、洛克(John Locke)、卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)教育思想中有关“自然”与“人的教育”的含义及其关系的认识,又在一定程度上启发了后来的裴斯泰洛齐(Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi)、赫尔巴特(Johann Friedrich Herbart)、杜威(John Dewey)等人,具有承上启下的历史地位[1]。康德关于自然性与道德性、动物喂养与人类照料、肯定性的培养与否定性的训诫、胚芽禀赋与自由生长等基本认识,对于当下加强教育学“三大体系”建设,无疑具有奠基作用和深刻的启发意义。
Growth Towards Freedom and the Pursuit of Freedom: Kant's Educational Philosophy of Duality Revisited
康德关于教育的基本认识对教育学学科建设具有奠基作用和深刻的启发意义。康德教育思想的基本特征是两重性, 包括人的两重性和教育的两重性, 理解两重性的两个关键词是自然和自由。基于对康德哲学人类学中人的形象的考察可以发现, 康德眼中人的两重性并非意味着人是自然和自由的双重存在, 而是意味着人从自然存在者向自由存在者转化。基于对《康德论教育》中教育方式和教育内容构成与设计的考察可以发现, 教育的两重性建立在人从自然存在者向自由存在者转化的基础上, 表现为形式上的二分与内容上的连续。胚芽与禀赋的构成和发展是两重性教育的基本依据, 并且意味着两重性教育的目的同样是两重性的。其中, 自然性教育的目的是促进人向着自由生长, 实践性教育的目的是实现人的自由。康德以自然存在者向自由存在者的转化这条线索统整了人本身可发展性的诸多方面, 但又不能超脱于自然存在者与自由存在者的静态双重存在, 这是康德两重性教育思想的内在矛盾。
Abstract:Kant's fundamental understanding of education plays a basic role and provides significant inspiration for the development of educational disciplines. The basic characteristics of his educational philosophy manifest as a duality of human beings and education, with nature and freedom as key concepts for understanding this duality. Based on the investigation of the image of humanity in Kant's philosophical anthropology, it can be observed that, in his view, the duality of human beings signifies the transition of individuals from natural beings to free beings rather than their coexistence. Based on the examination of the composition and design of educational methods and content in Kant's On Education, it can be discovered that the duality of education is founded on the aforementioned transformation and manifests in a dichotomy in form and continuity in content. The composition and development of the embryo and endowment serve as the fundamental basis for dual education, implying that the educational goals are also dualistic. Specifically, the goal of natural education is to foster the unrestricted development of individuals, whereas practical education aims to attain freedom for humanity. Kant integrated various aspects of human development by tracing the transformation from natural beings to free beings. However, he was unable to surpass their static dual existence, which represents the inherent contradiction in his educational philosophy of duality.
Key words:
- Kant /
- free existence /
- natural beings /
- nature education /
- practical education .
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