蚜虫俗称腻虫或者蜜虫,属于昆虫纲(Insecta),半翅目(Hemiptera),胸喙亚目(Stemorhyncha),包括球蚜总科(Adelgoidea)和蚜总科(Aphidoidea),是世界性经济害虫,危害寄主4 700余种,危害程度随着寄主、环境不同而有所差异[6].
A Study of the Species of Buckwheat Aphids and Their Fluctuation Patterns in Guizhou Province
摘要: 选择2016-2017年春秋2季贵州省荞麦4主产区的6个点进行蚜虫种类调查和消长规律研究,结果表明:荞麦蚜虫的种类为桃蚜、棉蚜和豆蚜3种,优势害虫为桃蚜.桃蚜的消长规律与荞麦品种、发育期、海拔有直接关系,蚜虫对甜荞的危害最大,其次是苦荞和米苦荞,多年生苦荞和矮金荞危害最小;虫口数量随着荞麦发育期逐渐增加到开花期达到最大,直到荞麦收获期下降至最低;海拔越高虫口数相对越少,反之则越多.Abstract: In order to accumulate a certain amount of data for monitoring and forecasting buckwheat aphid incidence so as to improve buckwheat yield in Guizhou, an investigation was made of the species of buckwheat aphids and their fluctuation patterns at six locations of four main buckwheat-producing areas of the province in 2016-2017. The results showed that three aphid species attacked the buckwheat crop, i.e.Aphis gossypii Glover, Myzus persicae Sulzer and A. craccivora Koch, the dominant pest being M, persicae. The fluctuation patterns of M, persicae were directly related to the variety and developmental phase of the buckwheat crop and to the altitude. The aphids caused the most serious harm to Fagopyrum esculentum, followed in order by F. tataricum, F. tataricum, F. tatari-cymosum and F. megaspartanium. The population quantity increased with the growth of buckwheat, reached its maximum at the flowering period, and declined thereafter and dropped to the lowest at harvest. The population quantity varied with altitude:the higher the altitude, the less the number of this pest, and vice versa.
Key words:
- aphid /
- Myzus persicae Sulzer /
- quantity /
- species /
- fluctuation pattern .
表 1 2016-2017年贵州省4个荞麦产区6个地点蚜虫种类及分布
种类 寄主 危害程度 分布 棉蚜 甜荞 + 遵义(2)、贵阳(2)、毕节、六盘水 苦荞 + 毕节、六盘水 米苦荞 + 贵阳(2)、毕节、六盘水 多年生苦荞 + 贵阳(2)、毕节、六盘水 矮金荞 + 贵阳(2) 桃蚜 甜荞 ++++ 遵义(2)、贵阳(2)、毕节、六盘水 苦荞 ++ 毕节、六盘水 米苦荞 ++ 贵阳(2)、毕节、六盘水 多年生苦荞 + 贵阳(2)、毕节、六盘水 矮金荞 + 贵阳(2) 豆蚜 甜荞 + 遵义(2)、贵阳(2) 苦荞 - - 米苦荞 - - 多年生苦荞 - - 矮金荞 - - 注:遵义(2)表示遵义A地点、B地点;贵阳(2)表示贵阳百宜和贵州师范大学. 表 2 桃蚜在不同地区不同荞麦种类上数量的分布情况
寄主 株平均虫口数量/(头·株-1) 遵义A 遵义B 六盘水 毕节 贵阳百宜 贵州师范大学 甜荞 73.22±1.28A 146.38±2.65B 12.80±0.73a 7.60±0.51a 60.56±0.68aA 105.00±2.00aB 苦荞 - - 7.40±0.51b 4.60±0.51b - - 米苦荞 - - 7.60±0.51b 4.40±0.24b 29.61±0.93bA 50.56±1.29bB 多年生苦荞 - - 4.20±0.45c 2.4±0.24c 13.17±0.58cA 19.59±0.51cB 矮金荞 - - - - 13.38±0.51cA 19.41±0.40cB 注:蚜虫数量为平均数±标准误;小写字母表示同一地方同一海拔的数据比较(同列数据比较);大写字母表示同一地方不同海拔的数据比较(遵义A点、B点比较,贵阳百宜、贵州师范大学比较);所有数据均用ANOVA分析法进行差异统计学意义比较,p<0.05;“-”表示此地未种植此品种的荞麦. -
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