核盘菌[Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary]是一种世界性分布的重要植物病原真菌,寄主范围十分广泛,能侵染75科278属450多种植物[1],由它引起的作物菌核病每年都造成巨大的经济损失[2-3].由于缺乏高抗的种植品种,到目前为止对菌核病的防治仍以化学防治为主[4-7].长期使用化学农药已导致田间核盘菌菌株出现严重的抗药性,开发新的防治方法迫在眉睫.
自酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)中的几丁质酶基因CTS1和CTS2被克隆之后[20-21],随着越来越多的丝状真菌基因组测序完成,许多真菌几丁质酶基因家族已被鉴定并进行了分析[22-23].丝状真菌基因组中一般含有10~25个几丁质酶,且都属于糖基水解酶18家族[24].韩艺娟等[25]对稻瘟病菌(Magnaporthe oryzae)假定几丁质酶家族基因表达进行分析,指出几丁质酶家族蛋白可能参与稻瘟病菌的生长发育、形态建成和致病过程.部分几丁质酶基因功能已经通过基因敲除等方法进行了深入研究[26]. Takaya等[27]破坏构巢曲霉(Aspergillus nidulans)中几丁质酶基因chiA,发现菌丝生长和分生孢子形态没有发生变化,但是分生孢子的萌发率和菌丝的生长速率明显降低. Yamazaki等[28]敲除构巢曲霉几丁质酶基因chiB,发现该基因缺失对菌丝的生长速率没有影响,却降低了细胞内外几丁质酶活性影响了菌丝的自溶.李培[29]通过RNAi稻瘟病菌几丁质酶基因的表达,发现菌丝生长和孢子分化出现异常. Dünkler等[30]敲除棉病囊霉(Ashbya gossypii)中几丁质酶基因AgCts2后,发现该基因缺失不会影响菌丝的生长及形态建成,但会形成异常的子囊孢子.这些研究表明几丁质酶在丝状真菌的生长发育过程中起着重要作用.
Characterization and Expression Analysis of Chitinase Family Genes in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
摘要: 核盘菌菌核以子实体形式萌发是作物菌核病病害循环中关键性的一环,研究菌核子实体萌发分子机理将为菌核病的安全控制提供线索.该研究通过生物信息学方法对核盘菌几丁质酶基因家族进行分析,并利用实时荧光RT-PCR对其在菌核子实体萌发阶段的表达进行探讨.生物信息学分析表明核盘菌中共有12个基因编码假定的几丁质酶,它们均具有GH18结构域,部分蛋白还具有几丁质结合结构域和纤维素结构域;除SS1G_11212外其余蛋白均为亲水性蛋白;亚细胞定位预测表明其中10个假定几丁质酶位于胞外,其余2个分别位于细胞核和细胞质中.通过构建系统发育树分析发现假定几丁质酶可以分为2大类,其中3个与酵母几丁质酶CTS1归为一类,其余9个与CTS2归为另一类.除SS1G_00773外,其余11个几丁质酶基因在核盘菌菌核子实体萌发过程中表达量均有变化,推测几丁质酶家族蛋白可能参与核盘菌菌核子实体萌发过程.Abstract: The carpogenic germination of sclerotia for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a key step of crop sclerotiniose infection cycle. Studying the molecular mechanism involved in the carpogenic germination of scleortia will provide clues to control the sclerotiniose safely. In this study, chitinase family proteins of S. sclerotiorum were analyzed with the bioinformation approach, and the expression levels of chitinase genes during the carpogenic germination of sclerotia were determined with RT-PCR method. Bioinformatics analysis showed that 12 genes were predicted to encode chitinase in S. sclerotiorum. All of them had GH18 domains and some also had a chitin-binding domain and a cellulose-binding domain. All the chitinases were hydrophilic except SS1G_11212. Ten chitinases were predicted to be located outside the cell, and the others were located in the nucleus cytoplasm. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the 12 chitinases could be divided into two categories, of which 3 with yeast chitinase CTS1 were clustered together and the rest with CTS2 were clustered together. The expression level of the 11 chitinase genes changed during the carpogenic germination of sclerotia, except SS1G_00773, suggesting that chitinase family proteins are involved in the carpogenic germination of sclerotia for S. sclerotiorum.
Key words:
- Sclerotinia sclerotiorum /
- carpogenic germination of sclerotia /
- chitinase /
- gene expression .
表 1 RT-PCR所用引物
基因编号 编码蛋白 相对分子质量 PI 信号肽 信号肽长度 蛋白定位 结构域 SS1G_11212 ChitinaseⅡ 6.9×104 4.97 无 - 胞外 Glyco_18,CBM SS1G_00677 ChitinaseⅡ 5.2×104 4.90 有 19 分泌到胞外 Glyco_18,ChtBD SS1G_03420 ChitinaseⅡ 3.5×104 4.80 有 15 分泌到胞外 Glyco_18 SS1G_05897 ChitinaseⅡ 3.4×104 6.09 无 - 胞外 Glyco_18 SS1G_08020 ChitinaseⅡ 7.5×104 8.29 无 - 胞外 Glyco_18 SS1G_08695 Chitinase Ⅲ 4.4×104 5.70 有 22 分泌到胞外 Glyco_18,CBM SS1G_11304 ChitinaseⅡ 4.4×104 4.94 无 - 胞外 Glyco_18 SS1G_11700 ChitinaseⅡ 4.8×104 6.49 有 23 分泌到胞外 Glyco_18 SS1G_00773 ChitinaseⅡ 1.9×105 4.79 有 18 分泌到胞外 Glyco_18,ChtBD SS1G_05454 ChitinaseⅡ 1.9×105 4.95 有 19 分泌到胞外 Glyco_18,ChtBD SS1G_12510 ChitinaseⅡ 1.2×105 5.95 无 - 胞质 Glyco_18,ChtBD SS1G_13155 ChitinaseⅡ 1.2×105 4.49 无 - 胞核 Glyco_18 -
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