Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens Combined with Organic Fertilizer on Tobacco Bacterial Wilt in Qianjiang
摘要: 为探究不同浓度荧光假单胞菌与有机肥复配施用对烟草青枯病的影响,明确能充分发挥和保障微生物防控烟草青枯病效果的最佳施用浓度,提高防治效率和效果,本研究通过室内盆栽试验和黔江基地单元小区试验,以根茎康微生物菌剂作为阳性对照,探究移栽时窝施不同浓度荧光假单胞菌与动物源有机肥牛粪对不同时期烟草农艺性状的影响及青枯病的防控效果.结果表明,在团棵期和旺长期,田间试验各处理之间烟草农艺性状指标差异无统计学意义,表明移栽时窝施微生物菌肥对烟株的生长发育无明显影响.从控病效果来看,微生物菌肥对烟草青枯病具有一定的控病效果,其中低浓度微生物菌肥对烟草青枯病的防治效果优于高浓度,浓度为1×107cfu/g的生物菌肥在室内和田间对烟草青枯病的相对防效分别达58.56%和55.21%.室内盆栽试验和田间试验的结果趋于一致.研究结果对烟草土传病害生物防治提供参考意义.Abstract: In order to explore the effects of different concentrations of Pseudomonas fluorescens combined with organic fertilizer on tobacco bacterial wilt, determine the optimal concentration to guarantee the microbial control effect on tobacco bacterial wilt, and improve the control efficiency, in this study, the effects of different concentrations of Pseudomonas fluorescens and animal manure on agronomic traits of tobacco in different periods of growth, and the prevention and control effects on bacterial wilt were investigated by pot experiment and unit plot experiment in Qianjiang District, with Genjingkang microbial agent as positive control. The results showed that there was no significant difference in performance of agronomic traits between different treatments in the lumps and flourishing stages, indicating that nest application of microbial fertilizer had no significant effect on the growth and development of tobacco plants. In terms of effectof disease control, microbial fertilizer had certain effect ondisease control of tobacco bacterial wilt, andthe relative control efficiency of 107 cfu/g microbial fertilizer against tobacco bacterial wilt was 58.56% and 55.21% in greenhouse and field experiment, respectively. The results of indoor pot experiment and field experiment were similar. The results provided reference for biological control of soil-borne tobacco diseases.
Key words:
- tobacco bacterial wilt /
- Pseudomonas fluorescens /
- biological control .
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