The Influence of the Method Effect Associated with Item Wording on the Internal Consistency Reliability of Balanced Scale
摘要: 通过蒙特卡洛模拟研究考察平衡量表中源自条目不同计分方向的表述效应及量表内因素对测量结果内部一致性信度系数α系数和组合信度(CR)系数的影响.方差分析结果验证了研究假设:表述效应使平衡量表的α系数与CR系数被高估,高估程度随方法因子负荷升高(F(2,392)=345.10,344.87,p<0.001),不同计分条目比例失衡(F(2,392)=8.03,8.32,p<0.001),方法因子间相关(F(4,392)=7.14,7.02,p<0.001) 和特质因子负荷的降低(F(2,392)=411.96,410.49,p<0.001) 而加剧.表明编制量表时,须提升条目质量并尽量使不同计分条目数相等.Abstract: Monte Carlo simulation was made to investigate the laws and characteristics of how wording effect (or the Method Effect Associated with Item Wording) and its relevant endogenous factors affected the internal consistency reliability coefficient, Cronbach's α and composite reliability coefficient of the outcomes of measurement. Then multifactor variance analysis was made, in which five independent variables were manipulated: method factor loading of item, trait factor loading of item, ratio of different scoring items, correlation between different method factors and sample size. The results showed that both Cronbach's α and composite reliability coefficient in the balance scale would be overestimated due to the item wording effect and that the extent of overestimation increased with the increase in the item's method factor loading (F(2, 392)=345.10 and 344.87, p < 0.001) and the decrease in imbalance of different scoring items (F(2, 392)=8.03 and 8.32, p < 0.001), correlation between different method factors (F(4, 392)=7.14 and 7.02, p < 0.001), or item's trait factor loading (F(2, 392)=411.96 and 410.49, p < 0.001). The results suggested that the completely balanced scale was better under the condition of improving the psychometric properties of items.
表 1 10条目单维平衡量表不同计分条目比例表述效应关系与平均相关系数的高估量
条目比a 相关系数比b 平均相关系数改变/nc φMxMy=0.2 φMxMy=0.4 φMxMy=0.6 φMxMy=0.8 φMxMy=1 5:5 40:50 50/90 60/90 70/90 80/90 1 6:4(4:6) 42:48 51.6/90 61.2/90 70.8/90 80.4/90 1 7:3(3:7) 48:42 56.4/90 64.8/90 73.2/90 81.6/90 1 8:2(2:8) 58:32 64.4/90 70.8/90 77.2/90 83.6/90 1 9:1(1:9) 81:9 82.8/90 84.6/90 86.4/90 88.2/90 1 注:a:直接计分条目数:反向计分条目数;b:计分方向相同的条目相关系数个数:计分方向相反的条目相关系数个数. c:n为常数=λMx2=λMy2=λMxλMy. 表 2 有表述效应与无表述效应α系数差异的组间效应方差分析表摘要表
变异来源 平方和(type Ⅲ) 自由度 均方 F partial η2 方法因子负荷 0.185 2 0.092 345.095*** 0.638 特质因子负荷 0.221 2 0.110 411.963*** 0.678 不同方法条目比例 0.004 2 0.002 8.029*** 0.039 方法因子相关 0.008 4 0.002 7.140*** 0.068 样本量 0 a 2 0 b 0 0 误差 0.105 392 总变异 0.522 404 注:a:实际数值为5.842e-008;b:实际数值为2.921e-008;***:p<0.001. 表 3 有表述效应与无表述效应CR系数差异的组间效应方差分析摘要表
变异来源 平方和(type Ⅲ) 自由度 均方 F partial η2 方法因子负荷 0.184 2 0.092 344.865*** 0.638 特质因子负荷 0.219 2 0.109 410.493*** 0.677 不同方法条目比例 0.004 2 0.002 8.320*** 0.041 方法因子相关 0.007 4 0.002 7.016*** 0.067 样本量 0 a 2 0 b 0.004 0 误差 0.104 392 总变异 0.518 404 注:a:实际数值为1.914e-006;b:实际数值为9.568e-007;***:p<0.001. -
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