张家界因旅游建市.在1989到2014这26年中,其旅游收入由0.25亿元增长到248.7亿元,占GDP比重由1.7 %增长到61%;同时城镇人口由18.99万人增长到65.8万人,城镇人口占总人口的比率由13.02%增长到43.32%.综上看来,在此期间张家界市的旅游业与城镇化水平都有很大提高.基于此,本文以张家界为例,结合旅游产业生成周期,运用熵值法、耦合度、耦合协调度,从产业生成新视角,以城镇化发展的核心为基础,探讨张家界旅游产业与城镇化耦合发展的动力及机制,在理论上为旅游业与城镇化耦合分析提供新视角,拓展研究深度,实践上为张家界旅游业与城镇化良性互动发展提供科学依据.
On the Coupling Development of Tourism Growth and Urbanization from the Perspective of Industry Generation——A Case Study of Zhangjiajie
摘要: 从产业生成视角明确旅游业成长核心动力,构建旅游业和城镇化新耦合机制模型,分别选取各系统8大指标,运用熵值法和耦合模型,以张家界为例,分析了各阶段两大系统的动力与成因及耦合发展情况,结果发现:自建市以来,城镇化与旅游业分别呈稳定与波动上升态势;在城镇化发展的不同阶段,其核心动力存在差异,且其本身亦呈现不同状态;张家界旅游系统与城镇化系统之间存在中等水平相关性,耦合协调度达到中级协调,其协调发展仍有很大空间.Abstract: From the perspective of industry generation, the core driving power for tourism is clarified, and a new model of the mechanism for the coupling development of tourism and urbanization is constructed in this paper. Eight indicators are selected for the two systems, and the entropy method and the coupling model are used, with Zhangjiajie as an example, to analyze the driving forces and the causes of development in various stages and their coupling growth. The results show that since Zhangjiajie became a separate city, its urbanization and tourism have presented a steadily and fluctuating rising trend, respectively; that in different stages of development of urbanization, its core driving power differs, and urbanization itself appears in different states; and that the tourism system and the urbanization system of Zhangjiajie are moderately associated with each other and they show a medium level degree of coordination and, therefore, there remains great space for their coupling development.
Key words:
- tourism /
- urbanization /
- coupling development /
- industry generation /
- Zhangjiajie .
表 1 1989-2014年张家界旅游业系统和城镇化系统指标及权重
系统层 要素层 指标层 权重 旅游业成长 旅游规模0.389 4 旅游收入/亿元 0.131 1 旅游人次/万人 0.127 7 境外旅游人数/万人 0.130 6 旅游结构0.243 7 旅游收入占GDP比重/% 0.122 4 旅游收入占第三产业比重/% 0.1213 旅游基础0.366 9 旅行社旅游饭店数/家 0.121 4 旅游景点/个 0.117 5 旅游投资/万元 0.128 0 城镇化发展 产业发展0.380 2 人均GDP/元 0.131 8 城镇居民可支配收入/元 0.125 5 产业结构高级化指数(-) 0.122 9 就业吸纳0.372 6 第三产业从业人员/人 0.121 0 全市从业人员/人 0.121 8 职工平均工资/元 0.129 8 人口集聚0.247 2 城镇人口比重/% 0.125 1 人口密度/(人·km-2) 0.122 1 注:本表依据《张家界统计年鉴》、张家界统计信息网的数据计算而得. -
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