Contribution Rate of Plant Protectionon of Eggplant Production in Chongqing Conventional Vegetable Planting Area
摘要: 近几年,由于受到品种、气候及田间栽培管理等因素影响,重庆地区茄子(Solanum melongena L.)病虫害发生程度呈加重趋势,特别是茄子青枯病、炭疽病、黄萎病等重大病害持续发生,造成较严重的损失,对茄子安全生产构成了威胁.本研究于2020—2021年在重庆合川蔬菜种植基地开展茄子病虫害自然损失率估计试验,探讨了采取综合防治技术措施后的植保技术贡献率.结果发现,与自防区相比,采取综合防治技术措施后的综防区茄子青枯病防效提高29.97%,炭疽病防效提高24.22%,黄萎病防效提高27.50%,白粉虱防效提高11.39%,蚜虫防效提高10.85%,红蜘蛛防效提高11.13%.研究结果为控制茄子青枯病等病害暴发,确保茄子稳产、增产提供有效依据.Abstract: In recent years, due to the influence of varieties, climate, field cultivation management and other factors, the occurrence of diseases and pests in eggplant has been increasing. Especially, the continuous occurrence of bacterial wilt, anthrax, fusarium wilt and other major diseases caused serious losses, and poses a threat to the safety of eggplant production. In this study, an experiment was conducted to estimate the natural loss rate of eggplant pests and diseases in Chongqing Hechuan vegetable planting base from 2020 to 2021, and the contribution rate of plant protection technology after adopting comprehensive control measures was discussed.The results of this research showed that the control efficiency of bacterial wilt, anthracnose, fusarium wilt, whitefly, aphid and red spider ineggplant increased by 29.97%, 24.22%, 27.50%, 11.39%, 10.85% and 11.13% respectively. The results provide an effective basis for controlling the outbreak of eggplant bacterial wilt and other diseases and ensuring the stable and high yield of eggplant.
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