The Policy Logics and Reformation of State-Funded Teacher Education in China
- Received Date: 18/03/2020
- Available Online: 01/11/2020
Abstract: The education field is constructed by the interaction between different policy logics. As an important state policy to supplement quality teachers and promote the equitable development of education, China's state-funded teacher education program contains the interaction, checks and balances between the logics of state, of market and of profession. The program demonstrates the country's aim of allocating teacher resources in a balanced manner to promote educational equity. It embeds the policy interest of compensating education in disadvantaged areas and pursuing a balanced education development. Meanwhile, it uses the contract monitoring and stated fund as incentives to provide institutional guarantees and give state-funded teacher education national honor. At the same time, the policy regulates the logic of market which causes the structural imbalance of teacher allocation and reflects the logic of profession by focusing on professional quality with high-quality teacher education. Based on the analysis of the three-dimensional policy logic, the reformation strategies of state-funded teacher education are proposed. The policy can highlight the logic of state, encourage local normal universities to participate and build a diversified state-funded teacher education system. By highlighting the logic of profession by introduing professional accrediation of teacher education, it can further ensure the quality of student-teachers. With the coordination between the logics of market and of profession, it can improve the dynamic entry-exit mechanism. A category-based graded assessment mechanism can be established to improve the professional quality of state-funded teacher students. Within the mechanism, three categories of normal universities can launch state-funded teacher education program, including normal universities under the sole direction of the Ministry of Education of China, those under the joint direction of the Ministry of Education of China and provincial education authorites as well as those under the sole direction of provincial education authorites. Meanwhile, the mechanism can be a bridge for the identity transformation between the state-funded student teachers and majors other than teacher education. Based on a graded performance assessment, the mechanism provides diversified career choices for graduates. The policy can strengthen the logic of profession to promote teachers' professional development and achieve the integration of pre-service and in-service education.