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2022 Volume 1 Issue 3
Article Contents

WANG Zhenguo, ZHU Xin, CHEN Tiancai, et al. Effect of Enclosure Cultivation Technology on the Growth and Disease Resistance of Tobacco[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2022, (3): 54-60. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2022.03.008
Citation: WANG Zhenguo, ZHU Xin, CHEN Tiancai, et al. Effect of Enclosure Cultivation Technology on the Growth and Disease Resistance of Tobacco[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2022, (3): 54-60. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2022.03.008

Effect of Enclosure Cultivation Technology on the Growth and Disease Resistance of Tobacco

More Information
  • Received Date: 10/03/2022
  • MSC: S474+.1

  • In order to clarify the effect of the soil surrounding technique on the growth and resistance of tobacco and the best time for cultivating the soil, a field experiment was carried out in the tobacco base of Fengjie county in Chongqing. The effects of the surfacing at different times on the growth and disease resistance of tobacco plants were investigated. The results showed that the enclosure cultivation treatment could promote the growth in root length, plant height, leaf length, leaf width and stem circumference, and increase the fresh weight, dry weight, number of effective leaves, number of lateral roots, total yield and output value. It can enhance the disease resistance of tobacco plants and reduce the disease index of tobacco virus disease, scab disease and wildfire disease. There were differences on the effects among the treatments of surrounding soil at different times. When cultivating soil around 15 d after transplanting, the effect of promoting growth was the most obvious, the yield and output value increased by 24.39 kg/667 m2 and 343.26 RMB/667 m2 compared with the treatment without soil surrounding. There was a significant difference between without soil surrounding and soil surrounding at 35 d after transplanting. When plants were surrounded with soil at 15 d after transplanting, the disease index of tobacco plants decreased most significantly. Based on the research results, it is suggested that 15~25 d after transplanting should be the time used to promote the technology of cultivating soil in production in the future.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Effect of Enclosure Cultivation Technology on the Growth and Disease Resistance of Tobacco

Abstract: In order to clarify the effect of the soil surrounding technique on the growth and resistance of tobacco and the best time for cultivating the soil, a field experiment was carried out in the tobacco base of Fengjie county in Chongqing. The effects of the surfacing at different times on the growth and disease resistance of tobacco plants were investigated. The results showed that the enclosure cultivation treatment could promote the growth in root length, plant height, leaf length, leaf width and stem circumference, and increase the fresh weight, dry weight, number of effective leaves, number of lateral roots, total yield and output value. It can enhance the disease resistance of tobacco plants and reduce the disease index of tobacco virus disease, scab disease and wildfire disease. There were differences on the effects among the treatments of surrounding soil at different times. When cultivating soil around 15 d after transplanting, the effect of promoting growth was the most obvious, the yield and output value increased by 24.39 kg/667 m2 and 343.26 RMB/667 m2 compared with the treatment without soil surrounding. There was a significant difference between without soil surrounding and soil surrounding at 35 d after transplanting. When plants were surrounded with soil at 15 d after transplanting, the disease index of tobacco plants decreased most significantly. Based on the research results, it is suggested that 15~25 d after transplanting should be the time used to promote the technology of cultivating soil in production in the future.

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