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2023 Volume 2 Issue 3
Article Contents

DING Wei, ZHANG Hecui. Discuss on Plant Death[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2023, (3): 1-15. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2023.03.001
Citation: DING Wei, ZHANG Hecui. Discuss on Plant Death[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2023, (3): 1-15. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2023.03.001

Discuss on Plant Death

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  • Received Date: 05/07/2022
  • MSC: Q945.48

  • The death of a plant is the end of the life activities, which is terminate and irreversible, and can be divided into normal death and abnormal death. Whether it is normal death or abnormal death, it means the loss of the meaning of life, and has its economic, social and ecological attributes. The normal death of plants is the inevitable result of the law of plant life activities, while the abnormal death of plants has multiple causes. Large-scale and sustained abnormal death of plants will cause serious losses to agriculture and forestry, and may also have a great impact on ecology, climate and environment. The cause and mechanism of plant abnormal death and how to avoid it have become important scientific issues in modern life science, agricultural science and phytomedicine. This paper discusses the concept of plant death, the criteria for judging death, the cause of death, the mechanism of death and the measures to avoid abnormal death, analyzes the significance of plant health management from the perspective of avoiding abnormal death of plants, calls on people to actively explore the effective mechanism to avoid abnormal death of plants, and regards eliminating the factors that lead to unhealthy and abnormal death of plants as the most important cause of phytomedicine.
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Discuss on Plant Death

Abstract: The death of a plant is the end of the life activities, which is terminate and irreversible, and can be divided into normal death and abnormal death. Whether it is normal death or abnormal death, it means the loss of the meaning of life, and has its economic, social and ecological attributes. The normal death of plants is the inevitable result of the law of plant life activities, while the abnormal death of plants has multiple causes. Large-scale and sustained abnormal death of plants will cause serious losses to agriculture and forestry, and may also have a great impact on ecology, climate and environment. The cause and mechanism of plant abnormal death and how to avoid it have become important scientific issues in modern life science, agricultural science and phytomedicine. This paper discusses the concept of plant death, the criteria for judging death, the cause of death, the mechanism of death and the measures to avoid abnormal death, analyzes the significance of plant health management from the perspective of avoiding abnormal death of plants, calls on people to actively explore the effective mechanism to avoid abnormal death of plants, and regards eliminating the factors that lead to unhealthy and abnormal death of plants as the most important cause of phytomedicine.

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