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2023 Volume 2 Issue 3
Article Contents

WANG Wenbao, MA Zihui, CHEN Dezhi, et al. Study on the Epidemic Status of Southern Corn Rust and Green Prevention and Control Strategies[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2023, (3): 16-30. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2023.03.002
Citation: WANG Wenbao, MA Zihui, CHEN Dezhi, et al. Study on the Epidemic Status of Southern Corn Rust and Green Prevention and Control Strategies[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2023, (3): 16-30. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2023.03.002

Study on the Epidemic Status of Southern Corn Rust and Green Prevention and Control Strategies

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  • Received Date: 01/05/2023
  • MSC: S435.131.4

  • Southern corn rust (SCR) is a fungal disease that significantly impacts corn production in China. In recent years, green prevention and control based on the entire farmland ecosystem has emerged as a promising agricultural pest management method. Currently, a series of green prevention and control technologies for SCR have been used, but they are fragmented and lack a systematic approach. This paper aims to systematically understand the current research status and future trends in the field of green prevention and control of SCR. To achieve this purpose, in this paper, the occurrence situation of southern corn rust disease in China was introduced, and the green prevention and control measures of southern corn rust disease were systematically expounded, including monitoring and early warning, disease-resistance germplasm and genes, ecological regulation, and biological control methods. Additionally, this paper outlines potential green prevention and control methods for SCR and clarifies the application prospect of green prevention and control technology, in order to provide reference information for the establishment of a green prevention and control system for SCR.
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Study on the Epidemic Status of Southern Corn Rust and Green Prevention and Control Strategies

Abstract: Southern corn rust (SCR) is a fungal disease that significantly impacts corn production in China. In recent years, green prevention and control based on the entire farmland ecosystem has emerged as a promising agricultural pest management method. Currently, a series of green prevention and control technologies for SCR have been used, but they are fragmented and lack a systematic approach. This paper aims to systematically understand the current research status and future trends in the field of green prevention and control of SCR. To achieve this purpose, in this paper, the occurrence situation of southern corn rust disease in China was introduced, and the green prevention and control measures of southern corn rust disease were systematically expounded, including monitoring and early warning, disease-resistance germplasm and genes, ecological regulation, and biological control methods. Additionally, this paper outlines potential green prevention and control methods for SCR and clarifies the application prospect of green prevention and control technology, in order to provide reference information for the establishment of a green prevention and control system for SCR.

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