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2023 Volume 2 Issue 3
Article Contents

QI Fangjian, ZHANG Tong, ZHU Yanfei, et al. Study on Experimental Population Fitness of Bactrocera dorsalis Reared Continuously on Cucumbers[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2023, (3): 41-50. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2023.03.004
Citation: QI Fangjian, ZHANG Tong, ZHU Yanfei, et al. Study on Experimental Population Fitness of Bactrocera dorsalis Reared Continuously on Cucumbers[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2023, (3): 41-50. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2023.03.004

Study on Experimental Population Fitness of Bactrocera dorsalis Reared Continuously on Cucumbers

More Information
  • Received Date: 05/05/2023
  • MSC: S436.421.2

  • Bactrocera dorsalis is a quarantine fruit and vegetable pest in many countries and regions in the world. In China, under the influence of climate and trade, B. dorsalis (Hendel) has been gradually spreading from south to north. Current studies have shown that B. dorsalis will cause serious damage to the main fruits production in northern China. In order to assess the risk of B. dorsalis on northern vegetables, this study took cucumbers, which are one of melon crops cultivated in a large area in greenhouses in northern China as the host and artificial diet as the control, and studied the fitness of B. dorsalis cultured in successive generations on cucumbers by age-stage two-sex life table method. The results showed that B. dorsalis could cause harm to cucumber, but the possibility of harm to cucumber by multiple generations was small and the fitness of B. dorsalis to cucumber decreased at each generation. The pre-adult survival rate, longevity of male and female, oviposition days, fecundity and population number of B. dorsalis of cucumber population were lower than those of artificial diet population. After 180 days of continuous feeding and reproduction on cucumber from a host with higher fitness, the multiples of number of B. dorsalis increased (F1: 216 624.2; F2: 24 387.4; F3: 4 459.7) showed a decreasing trend of generation to generation. In conclusion, the fitness of B. dorsalis in successive generations on cucumber gradually decreased, therefore, the possibility of damage by successive generations of B. dorsalis in melon crops was low. However, the melon crops were highly likely to become the substitute hosts of B. dorsalis to maintain the population in the absence of feeding host. Therefore, cucumber and other melon crops growing areas should be far away from orchards, and monitoring B. dorsalis on melon crops should be strengthened. This study laid a solid foundation for the prediction, forecast and comprehensive and accurate prevention and control of B. dorsalis.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Study on Experimental Population Fitness of Bactrocera dorsalis Reared Continuously on Cucumbers

Abstract: Bactrocera dorsalis is a quarantine fruit and vegetable pest in many countries and regions in the world. In China, under the influence of climate and trade, B. dorsalis (Hendel) has been gradually spreading from south to north. Current studies have shown that B. dorsalis will cause serious damage to the main fruits production in northern China. In order to assess the risk of B. dorsalis on northern vegetables, this study took cucumbers, which are one of melon crops cultivated in a large area in greenhouses in northern China as the host and artificial diet as the control, and studied the fitness of B. dorsalis cultured in successive generations on cucumbers by age-stage two-sex life table method. The results showed that B. dorsalis could cause harm to cucumber, but the possibility of harm to cucumber by multiple generations was small and the fitness of B. dorsalis to cucumber decreased at each generation. The pre-adult survival rate, longevity of male and female, oviposition days, fecundity and population number of B. dorsalis of cucumber population were lower than those of artificial diet population. After 180 days of continuous feeding and reproduction on cucumber from a host with higher fitness, the multiples of number of B. dorsalis increased (F1: 216 624.2; F2: 24 387.4; F3: 4 459.7) showed a decreasing trend of generation to generation. In conclusion, the fitness of B. dorsalis in successive generations on cucumber gradually decreased, therefore, the possibility of damage by successive generations of B. dorsalis in melon crops was low. However, the melon crops were highly likely to become the substitute hosts of B. dorsalis to maintain the population in the absence of feeding host. Therefore, cucumber and other melon crops growing areas should be far away from orchards, and monitoring B. dorsalis on melon crops should be strengthened. This study laid a solid foundation for the prediction, forecast and comprehensive and accurate prevention and control of B. dorsalis.

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