The Knowledge Base, Development Stage, Hotspot and Trend of Mobile Learning Research in China——Analysis of Mapping Knowledge Domain based on CSSCI Database (2002-2016)
摘要: 以"移动学习"为关键词在CSSCI数据库中进行检索,共得到301篇学术文献,时间跨度为2002至2016年。将检索到的文献作为研究对象,利用CiteSpace Ⅴ软件进行文献计量和知识图谱分析,结果发现国内移动学习研究大致经历了始发阶段、发展阶段和拓展阶段。通过高频关键词共现图谱和数据统计分析,国内移动学习研究的热点领域主要包括移动学习的具体形式、移动学习的主体和载体、移动学习的理论基础以及移动学习技术支持四大板块。在前期成果的基础上,未来移动学习研究将沿着加强移动学习个性化服务、转变移动学习设备性质和深化移动学习研究内容三个方向发展。
- 移动学习 /
- 发展脉络 /
- 研究热点 /
- 知识图谱 /
- CiteSpace Ⅴ
Abstract: With "mobile learning" as the keyword, we searched Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) journals and found 301 academic papers between 2002 and 2016. Taking these papers as the research object, and using the software Cite Space Ⅴ, the researchers have analyzed bibliometrics and knowledge map. It is found that the study on mobile learning has experienced three stages of beginning, development and extension. Through highly frequent keywords co-occurance mapping and statistical analysis, it concludes that the hot topics in the research include:the specific forms of mobile learning, its subject and carrier, its theoretical basis and its technical support. On the basis of previous achievements, the future research trends in this field will focus on the strengthen of personalized service, the transformation of equipment nature and the long and deep development of mobile learning research.-
Key words:
- mobile learning /
- development context /
- research hotspots /
- mapping knowledge domain /
- Cite Space Ⅴ .
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