Practice and Enlightenment of Teachers' Professional Learning Community in South Korea——A Case Study of Gyeonggi-do
摘要: 我国正处于深化基础教育课程改革的关键时期。尽管课程改革成果显著,但还未从根本上化解基础教育的困境。教师专业学习共同体作为助推教师专业发展的有效途径和新方向,以一种自下而上的力量极大地冲击了被边缘化、行政化的教师文化。由此,建立教师专业学习共同体已经成为学校教育改革的重要议题之一。韩国在引入西方教师专业学习共同体理论后,逐渐形成了颇具自身特色的运营机制。“他山之石,可以攻玉。”中韩两国地缘相近、文化相通,梳理韩国教师专业学习共同体的运营实践将对我国教师专业学习共同体的构建具有重要的参考价值。Abstract: China is in the critical period of deepening the curriculum reform of basic education. Although the results of the curriculum reform are remarkable, we are still facing many difficulties. Professional learning community, as an effective way and new direction to promote the professional development of teachers, has greatly impacted the marginalized and administrative teacher culture in a bottom-up form, which has become an important issue in school education reform. After the introduction of the Western professional learning community theory, South Korea has gradually formed an operational mechanism with its own characteristics. Effective measures could often be found in others' experience. China and South Korea have similar geography and culture. The operation practice of South Korean teachers' professional learning community is of important reference value for the construction of teachers' professional learning community in China.
表 1 地方教育方针与学校教育实际有机结合
地方政策 政策重点 政策与学校教育的有机结合 幸福学校 以学生为中心的课程 ·专业学习共同体基础 ·以学习为中心的教学实践 ·强化学生素养的“课程-教学-评价”一体化培养方式 ·学生主导的项目学习 培养梦想的教育 ·开展“成长关怀学年制”“数学分享学校”活动 ·课程衔接读书教育 民主主义学校 民主主义学校 ·2月、8月新任教师参与的恢复性生活教育 ·中心会议提案 ·学生自治会衔接学年集会 市民教育内化 ·3周的“人性周”运营 ·与专家一起进行民主市民教育、法律教育、共享教育 安全学校 构建学习安全网 ·教师与心理咨询师合作保障学力 ·营造政策与边教边学边分享的教育氛围 ·教师与专家合作帮助“脱北”学生 健康的学校环境 ·预防吸烟教育、预防虐童教育、性教育 ·社区合作运营安全教育 革新教育深化 革新教育 ·通过各种项目激活专业学习共同体共同研究、共同实践、分享与反思 ·基于集体智慧的自律督导机制日常课堂分享、共同教学 -
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