Research and Practice of Teachers' Data Literacy: International Experience and Enlightenment
摘要: 近年来,随着教师队伍建设的不断推进和发展,教师数据素养逐渐成为教师教育领域的重要内容,并受到越来越多研究者的关注。良好的数据素养是进行科学决策、提升教学质量的重要保障。研究基于文献分析,在厘清教师数据素养概念内涵的基础上,重点分析国外在教师数据素养理论架构、核心内容、实践案例以及评估等方面的积极探索和有益经验,进而探讨其对我国教师数据素养研究与培养实践的启示。未来,我国应致力于做好教师数据素养培养的顶层设计、鼓励多方力量的协同参与、提供终身性的专业支持和服务、加强教师数据素养的理论研究。Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous development of teacher team construction, teacher data literacy has become an important part of teacher education, and attracted more and more researchers' attention. Sufficient data literacy can be considered as a guarantee for teachers to make correct instructional decisions and improve their teaching quality. Based on the review and analysis of literature related to teachers' data literacy, this paper clarified its concept, focused onanalyzing the active exploration and beneficial experience of foreign countries in the theoretical frameworks, core components, practice cases and evaluation of teacher data literacy, and then discussed their enlightenment to the research and practice concerning teacher data literacy in China. This paper argues that in the future, China should devote itself to promote the development of teachers' data literacy training by strengthening top-level design, encouragecollaborative participation of multiple forces, provide lifelong professional support and services, and deepen the theoretical research of teachers' data literacy.
Key words:
- data quality /
- theoretical frameworks /
- practical cases /
- evaluation /
- experience and enlightenment .
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