The Generating Model, Mechanism and Cultivation Path of Rural Educational Feelings Among Normal Students from the Perspective of Imprinting Theory
摘要: 培育具有乡村教育情怀的乡村教师是新时代师范院校的重要使命,更是乡村振兴背景下实现乡村人才振兴与文化振兴的重要途径。基于烙印理论视角,分析发现,师范院校培育师范生乡村教育情怀的过程实质上是在师范生职业发展敏感期,通过物质支撑、精神指引、文化陶冶、教育引导与制度规训等外部环境影响,给师范生烙上乡村教育情怀印记并促使其发挥持续效力的过程。基于烙印理论视角,研究认为:师范院校(烙印者)和师范生(被烙印者)共同构成了烙印过程的主客体要素,为乡村教育情怀印记的形成奠定了前提;师范生乡村教育情怀印记的形成经历了“服从—认同—内化”三个发展阶段,构成师范生乡村教育情怀的烙印过程;乡村教育情怀印记形成后,正向烙印效应得以彰显,最终产生近期效力与远期效力。为此,师范院校应通过环境熏陶、教育引导、机制保障三条路径,大力打造乡村教育情怀培育的烙印形成环境,科学设计乡村教育情怀培育的烙印过程,努力稳固乡村教育情怀培育的烙印效果,从而为师范生烙上永不消退的乡村教育情怀印记。Abstract: In the new era, cultivating teachers with rural education feelings is not only an important mission of normal universities, but also an important way to realize rural talent revitalization and cultural revitalization under the background of Rural Revitalization. Based on the perspective of imprinting theory, by analyzing the process of cultivating rural education feelings of normal university students in normal colleges, we found the essence of it is a process of imprinting rural education feelings on normal university students and promoting them to play a sustainable effect through the influence of external environments such as substance, spirit, culture, education, and system during the sensitive period of their career development. Normal universities and normal students constitute the elements of the imprinting process, which lays a prerequisite and foundation for the emergence of rural education feelings; The formation of normal students' rural education feelings will go through three stages of "obedience-identification-internalization", which constitutes the imprint process of normal students' rural education feelings. After the rural education feelings are formed, it is manifested through positive effects, and finally produce short-term and long-term effects. In this process, the rural education feelings may replicate, expand and decline. Therefore, normal colleges should through environmental edification, teaching guidance, and mechanism guarantee to create a branded environment, design the brand process and maintain the brand effect, so as to make sure that the imprint of rural education feelings of normal university students will generate and never fade.
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