Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution, Environment Regulationandthe Healthof Citizens
摘要: 设计合理环境规制,降低农业面源污染,改善公民健康是推进生态文明建设的重要策略。因此,厘清农业面源污染、环境规制与公民健康三者内在关系具有重要现实意义。基于Grossman宏观健康生产函数和2007-2018年省际面板数据,运用系统GMM法考察了农业面源污染、环境规制以及二者交互项对公民健康的影响及其机理。研究结果发现,农业面源污染与公民健康之间呈显著负相关关系,农业面源污染的不断恶化显著增加了食源性疾病发病数;环境规制与公民健康之间呈倒“U”型关系,拐点临界值为3.079;仅提高环境规制强度不仅不利于降低农业面源污染健康风险,反而引致隐形经济规模扩大,出现了显著的“绿色悖论”;2007-2012年、2013-2018年两时期检验结果显示,强化农业污染源监管能够显著减弱“绿色悖论”,并重塑环境规制政策的健康红利。Abstract: It is an important strategy to design a reasonable environmental regulation, reduce the pollution of Non-point source and improve citizen's health.Therefore, it is of great practical significance to clarify the internal relations between the agricultural non-point sources pollution, environmental regulation and citizen health.Based on Grossman macro health production function and the provincial panel data from 2007 to 2016, using the method of system GMM, this research investigates theinteraction and its mechanism ofagricultural non-point source pollution, environmental regulation and theeffect on the health of citizens.The results are as follows. There is a significant negative correlation between the agricultural non-point source pollution and the health of citizens, and the worsening of the agricultural non-point pollution has significantly increased the incidence of foodborne diseases. There is an inverted "U" relationship between environmental regulation and citizen health. The critical value of the inflection point is 3.079. Only increasing the strength of the environmental regulation has not reduced the health risks of agricultural non-point source pollution, but caused the invisible economic scale and led tothe remarkable "green paradox ". According to the results of the two periods from 2007 to 2012 and 2013 to 2018, the supervision of agricultural pollution sources may significantly reduce the "green paradox" and reshape the health effect of environmental regulation policies.
表 1 变量数据的描述性统计结果
变量 观测值 均值 标准差 最小值 最大值 公民健康水平(h) 360 5.340 1 5.359 6 0 38.91 农业面源污染排放量(anp) 360 75.065 2 85.523 8 0.382 6 415.236 3 环境规制强度(er) 360 1.413 0 0.667 8 0.4 4.24 经济发展水平(gdp) 360 2.731 9 1.553 7 0.585 1 8.360 5 受教育程度(edu) 360 9.463 3 1.146 9 6.923 7 13.392 0 城镇化率(urb) 360 0.519 8 0.133 8 0.282 4 0.896 0 公共卫生支出(phex) 360 0.550 5 0.301 7 0.931 5 1.707 0 表 2 动态面板模型的估计结果
变量 模型(1) 模型(2) 模型(3) 模型(4) h(-1) 0.629 1*** 0.615 7*** 0.613 5*** 0.588 4*** (25.11) (26.00) (23.24) (20.38) anp 0.018 8** 0.018 5*** 0.019 5*** 0.020 1*** (3.87) (4.05) (3.91) (2.33) er -0.837 4*** -2.076 5* -2.272 5** (-4.31) (-1.39) (-1.47) er2 0.337 2* 0.371 1** (0.97) (0.99) anp×er 0.002 5** (2.42) agdp -0.329 2*** -0.561 9*** -0.621 4*** -0.546 7 (-1.24) (-2.03) (-2.59) (-1.52) edu -1.236 2*** -1.081 0*** -1.099 7*** -0.995 5* (-10.80) (-10.71) (-10.14) (-9.81) urb -0.864 7** -2.727 4* -2.396 4*** -1.385 8 (-0.27) (-1.02) (0.82) (-0.31) phex -5.651 5*** -5.931 2*** -6.286 7** -6.096 6* (-7.54) (-6.46) (-7.83) (-7.27) 常数项 11.120 4*** 10.366 4*** 11.651 1*** 11.272 5*** (6.30) (5.92) (6.61) (4.15) AR(1) 0.024 3 0.022 8 0.021 0 0.014 9 AR(2) 0.155 6 0.165 2 0.160 6 0.168 3 Sargan 26.346 0 24.822 7 24.662 3 25.000 6 检验 (0.748 1) (0.813 1) (0.819 5) (0.806 0) 注:***、**、*分别表示1%、5%和10%的显著性水平,括号为各系数t值 表 3 分时段面板模型估计结果
变量 2007-2012年 2013-2018年 h(-1) 1.151 5*** 0.585 9*** (18.07) (2.78) anp 0.017 7** 0.160 7* (0.73) (1.87) er -0.178 5** -0.687 2** (-0.13) (-2.16) er2 0.051 9** 0.305 5** (0.17) (2.60) anp×er 0.001 3** 0.000 8** (1.25) (0.21) AR(1) 0.018 0 0.015 8 AR(2) 0.178 5 0.390 5 Sargan 10.427 3 7.782 4 检验 (0.165 6) (0.352 2) 注:***、**、*分别表示1%、5%和10%的显著性水平,括号为各系数t值 表 4 稳健性检验估计结果
解释变量 食源性疾病患病数 死亡率 re 差分GMM re 差分GMM h(-1) 0.205 7*** 0.011 5* (3.28) (0.11) anp 0.000 3** 0.015 5*** 0.001 4*** 0.016 7*** (0.03) (1.15) (0.09) (3.47) er -0.321 8*** -1.621 9*** -0.501 0*** -0.607 8* (-0.28) (-2.88) (-1.57) (-1.94) er2 0.066 9** 0.258 6** 0.121 1* 0.183 6*** (0.27) (1.97) (1.65) (2.87) anp×er 0.001 2*** 0.000 3 0.000 9*** 0.001 (0.21) (0.22) (0.71) (1.32) Wald检验 0.000 0 0.000 0 AR(2) 0.832 5 0.123 1 Sargan 0.355 6 0.163 4 注:***、**、*分别表示1%、5%和10%的显著性水平,括号为各系数t值 -
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