Logical Motivation, Practical Routes and Basic Characteristics of Foreign Education Assistance in Finland
摘要: 长期以来,不发达国家教育可持续发展面临着严峻困境,亟待通过国际教育援助建立全纳高质量教育体系。近年来,芬兰充分发挥自身的教育高质量发展优势,积极参与多边国际教育援助,深度整合政府部门、社会组织、私营部门、高等院校等多利益相关部门的优质教育资源,实施了大量对外教育援助项目,取得了良好效果。芬兰对外教育援助具有典型特征,充分体现了其对外教育援助的系统整合性、优势输出的针对性以及“授之以渔”的援助理念。Abstract: The sustainable development of education in underdeveloped countries has long faced severe difficulties, which makes it an urgent need to establish acomprehensive and quality education system through international education assistance. In recent years, Finland actively participated in multilateral assistance for education and gave full play to its advantages in high-quality development of education. It also made an in-depth integration on educational resourcesfrom multi-stakeholders, such as governments, social organizations, private sectors and universities, and achieved good effect in their foreign assistance to education projects. Finland's foreign assistance to education fully embodies its typical characteristics: the integration of its system, the pertinence of its advantages, and the idea of "teaching a man to fish rather than giving him a fish".
Key words:
- Finland /
- education assistance /
- logical motivation /
- practical route /
- basic characteristics .
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