墨西哥鼠尾草Salvia leucantha属于唇形科Labiatae鼠尾草属Salvia草本植物,栽培范围广泛,在我国主要分布在云南、四川和西藏3省(自治区),其中云南栽培数量最多[1].墨西哥鼠尾草适应性强,耐瘠薄、耐干旱[2].花期较长,每年4-10月可观赏到紫色花[3];其挥发油溶液对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌等细菌有抑制作用[4-5];地上部分还含有较多的有益化合物[6-7].
Effect of Piriformospora indica on Salt Resistance of Salvia leucantha Seedlings
摘要: 以墨西哥鼠尾草幼苗为材料,接种印度梨形孢30 d后进行盐胁迫处理,盐胁迫7 d后测定幼苗生长和生理指标.结果表明:印度梨形孢能有效缓解盐胁迫伤害,使墨西哥鼠尾草幼苗的株高、鲜质量、根数、根长和根系体积分别提高15.31%,55.81%,48.04%,35.01%和37.62%;叶片Pro含量提高28.30%,SOD,POD和CAT活性分别提高30.11%,15.30%和9.08%,MDA含量降低30.43%.说明印度梨形孢能显著促进盐胁迫下墨西哥鼠尾草幼苗的生长,明显缓解叶片氧化损伤,显著提高SOD等保护酶活性,从而增强幼苗的抗盐性.印度梨形孢在植物抗逆栽培中有重要的应用价值.Abstract: Salvia leucantha Seedlings are used as materials. Salt stress treatment was carried out after inoculation with 30 d of Piriformospora indica, and Seedling growth and physiological indexes were measured after 7 d of salt stress. The results showed that Piriformospora indica could effectively alleviate salt stress injury. and the plant height, fresh weight, root number, root length and root volume of Salvia leucantha seedlings were increased by 15.31%, 55.81%, 48.04%, 35.01% and 37.62%, respectively; The content of Pro in leaves increased by 28.30%, and the activities of SOD, POD and CAT increased by 30.11%, 15.30% and 9.08%, respectively, and the content of MDA decreased by 30.43%. The results showed that Piriformospora indica could significantly promote the growth of Salvia leucantha seedlings under salt stress, significantly alleviate oxidative damage of leaves, and significantly increase the protective enzyme activities such as SOD, thereby enhancing the salt resistance of seedlings. It has important application value in plant stress resistance cultivation.
Key words:
- Salvia leucantha /
- Piriformospora indica /
- salt stress /
- salt resistance .
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