近年来,烟草行业加快卷烟新产品、新品类的研发步伐,中支烟、细支烟、短支烟等一些非典型尺寸的卷烟密集涌现.与常规卷烟(长度84 mm,圆周24.0~24.4 mm)相比,中支、细支卷烟圆周大幅降低,辅材参数发生较大变化,如滤嘴通风率普遍较高、滤棒吸阻变大、丝束的单旦变大、总旦变小等.圆周大幅降低后,导致卷烟抽吸时空气流速大幅增加,燃烧锥处单位烟丝接触的氧气量会更高,导致卷烟的燃烧状态、烟气化学成分释放、过滤和扩散均与常规卷烟大不相同[1].卷烟圆周尺寸的变化对烟气常规成分、部分有害成分、香味成分及气溶胶粒径的影响,国内外研究较多,如Irwin等[1]研究了烟支圆周对主流烟气中焦油,烟碱,CO,NO,HCN,挥发性醛类的影响,Yamamoto等[2-3]考察了烟支圆周对焦油和烟碱及有害化学成分释放量的影响,葛畅等[4]考察了两种规格卷烟常规烟气指标及粒相物中中性致香成分的差异,Egilmez等[5]研究了细支卷烟和常规卷烟气溶胶粒径的差异.
Effects of Air Permeability of Tipping Paper on Sensory Quality and Chemical Components of Smoke for Cigarettes with Different Sizes
摘要: 为考察卷烟辅材接装纸透气度变化对不同规格卷烟感官质量和烟气化学成分的影响,以相同烟丝制备的不同接装纸透气度的常规、中支及细支卷烟为研究对象,对比分析了接装纸透气度变化对3种规格卷烟的物理指标、感官质量、烟气指标、烟气化学成分的影响差异.结果表明:1)接装纸透气度同卷烟吸阻呈线性负相关关系,同卷烟的总通风率呈线性正相关关系,影响程度均随烟支圆周的降低而变大;2)接装纸透气度对常规和中支的感官影响均比细支卷烟显著,随接装纸透气度增加,常规和中支的感官质量总分均呈明显下降趋势,但对于细支烟,感官质量总分呈先上升又略有下降的趋势;3)接装纸透气度与卷烟的单口焦油、单口CO及单口烟碱释放量均呈显著线性负相关关系.对单口焦油、单口CO的影响程度常规及中支大于细支卷烟,对单口烟碱的影响程度中支及细支大于常规卷烟;4)每克烟丝所释放的烟气化学成分,总量上由大到小为中支卷烟,细支卷烟,常规卷烟.其中,酮类、醛类质量分数细支明显高于常规及中支,酚类质量分数细支明显低于常规及中支,烯类、酯类、呋喃类及醇类质量分数细支与中支卷烟相当,高于常规,氮杂环类、酸类质量分数细支与常规相当,低于中支.Abstract: In order to investigate the influences of air permeability of tipping paper on sensory quality and smoke chemical components of cigarettes with different sizes, normal, middle and slim cigarettes with tipping paper differing in air permeability and similar tobacco shred were prepared, and their physical indexes, sensory quality, routine smoke indexes and smoke chemical components were studied. The air permeability of tipping paper was shown to be in a negative linear correlation with draw resistance, and in a positive linear correlation with the total ventilation rate of the cigarette. The degree of influence increased with decreasing circumference of the cigarette. The air permeability of tipping paper had greater impact on sensory quality of normal and middle cigarettes than on that of slim cigarette. With the increase in air permeability of tipping paper, sensory quality grades of normal and middle cigarettes showed an obvious decreasing tendency, while for slim cigarette they first increased and then declined slightly. An obvious linear positive correlation was found to exist between air permeability of tipping paper and the content of a single mouth of tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine. The air permeability of tipping paper had greater influence on the contents of a single mouth of tar and carbon monoxide for normal and middle cigarettes. And the contents of a single mouth of nicotine for middle and slim cigarettes were more sensitive to the air permeability of tipping paper. The middle cigarette had the maximal release amount of chemical components of smoke for each gram of cut tobacco, followed successively by slim and normal cigarettes. The ketone and aldehydes amount of slim cigarette were obviously higher than those of normal and middle cigarettes, but the phenols amount of slim cigarette was much lower. And similar amount of alkenes, esters, furans and alcohols for slim and middle cigarettes were detected. Nitric heterocycles and acids contents of slim and normal cigarettes showed similar concentrations, which were lower than those of middle cigarette.
Key words:
- tipping paper /
- air permeability /
- normal cigarette /
- middle cigarette /
- slim cigarette /
- sensory quality /
- chemical component of smoke .
表 1 不同规格卷烟样品设计表
样品编号 烟支规格/
Pa常规-1 84*24.4 36 100 30 760 常规-2 84*24.4 36 200 30 760 常规-3 84*24.4 36 400 30 760 中支-1 94*22.5 35 300 30 735 中支-2 94*22.5 35 600 30 735 中支-3 94*22.5 35 800 30 735 细支-1 97*17.0 36 400 24 890 细支-2 97*17.0 36 500 24 890 细支-3 97*17.0 36 600 24 890 注:统一使用同种卷烟纸(宽度不同),接装纸采用激光预打孔方式;滤棒分别使用3.5Y/34000d(常规),5.0Y/30000d(中支),6.0Y/17000d(细支)型号丝束. 表 2 不同接装纸透气度的卷烟物理参数测定结果
样品名称 接装纸透气度/
%常规-1 100 0.90 0.610 1 022 6.9 常规-2 200 0.90 0.610 1 004 11.4 常规-3 400 0.91 0.610 986 15.6 中支-1 300 0.83 0.560 870 16.3 中支-2 600 0.83 0.560 732 28.8 中支-3 800 0.82 0.560 651 33.9 细支-1 400 0.54 0.380 1 346 22.2 细支-2 500 0.53 0.380 1 333 25.5 细支-3 600 0.53 0.380 1 226 32.5 表 3 接装纸透气度与卷烟吸阻的回归方程参数
类别 回归方程参数 接装纸透气度每增加100 CU吸阻降低/Pa 斜率 截距 R2 常规卷烟 -0.115 7 1 031.0 0.964 11.57 中支卷烟 -0.439 7 1 000.2 0.999 43.97 细支卷烟 -0.600 0 1 601.7 0.830 60.00 表 4 接装纸透气度与卷烟总通风率的回归方程参数
类别 回归方程参数 接装纸透气度每增加100 CU总通风率增加/% 斜率 截距 R2 常规卷烟 0.027 9 4.800 0 0.956 2.79 中支卷烟 0.035 7 6.097 4 0.985 3.57 细支卷烟 0.051 5 0.983 3 0.959 5.15 表 5 不同接装纸透气度的卷烟感官质量变化表
样品规格 常规卷烟透气度/CU 中支卷烟透气度/CU 细支卷烟透气度/CU 100 200 400 300 600 800 400 500 600 香气质 6.9 6.8 6.3 6.6 6.7 6.2 6.7 6.9 6.8 香气量 6.8 6.3 5.7 6.6 6.0 5.2 6.5 6.6 6.6 杂气 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.9 6.9 6.9 丰富性 6.7 6.3 5.9 6.4 6.2 5.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 透发性 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.4 6.4 6.5 细腻度 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.4 6.7 6.5 6.5 6.8 6.7 柔和性 6.6 6.4 6.3 6.6 6.6 6.4 6.6 6.8 6.8 圆润度 6.7 6.4 6.0 6.6 6.2 5.3 6.1 6.6 6.5 烟气浓度 6.5 6.0 5.4 6.3 5.8 5.1 6.0 6.0 5.8 劲头 5.2 5.1 4.9 5.3 5.1 5.0 5.1 5.1 5.1 口腔刺激 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.5 6.5 6.2 6.0 6.5 6.3 口腔残留 6.6 6.2 5.8 6.6 6.4 5.8 6.0 6.4 6.1 收敛 6.1 5.9 5.7 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.3 6.0 生津感 6.2 6.0 5.7 6.2 6.1 5.8 5.9 6.1 6.0 喉部刺激 6.9 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.8 6.6 喉部干燥 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.9 6.9 6.5 6.6 6.8 6.8 鼻腔刺激 6.8 6.5 6.3 6.5 6.4 5.9 6.5 6.8 6.6 总分 111.8 108.1 103.5 109.9 107.7 101.2 106.4 110.0 108.2 表 6 不同接装纸透气度的卷烟主流烟气指标变化表
烟气指标 卷烟类别 回归方程参数 接装纸透气度每增加100 CU的降低率/% 斜率 截距 R2 焦油 常规 -0.000 7 1.851 0 0.944 4.09 中支 -0.000 9 2.000 3 0.999 5.49 细支 -0.000 5 1.694 1 0.906 3.46 CO 常规 -0.000 9 1.635 9 0.918 6.18 中支 -0.000 8 1.517 6 0.999 6.68 细支 -0.000 4 1.123 2 0.999 4.33 烟碱 常规 -4.00E-05 0.173 2 0.971 2.42 中支 -8.00E-05 0.198 0 0.973 4.82 细支 -6.00E-05 0.149 4 0.991 5.03 表 7 不同规格卷烟烟气化学成分分析结果
μg·g-1 香味成分 常规卷烟(100 CU) 中支卷烟(300 CU) 细支卷烟(400 CU) 中支与常规比较/% 细支与常规比较/% 细支与中支比较/% 酮类 86.4 105.9 111.3 22.5 28.9 5.1 酚类 91.4 102.6 76.1 12.3 -16.8 -25.9 醛类 69.1 90.4 105.7 30.9 52.9 16.8 氮杂环类 33.3 38.5 34.4 15.7 3.3 -10.7 烯类 16.2 18.8 18.1 15.6 11.7 -3.4 酯类 15.0 17.6 17.7 17.0 17.9 0.7 呋喃类 14.1 17.4 17.1 23.2 21.5 -1.4 醇类 11.1 13.3 12.7 20.2 14.2 -5.0 酸类 7.1 8.2 6.9 16.5 -2.8 -16.6 总量 343.7 412.8 400.0 20.1 16.4 -3.1 (酮+酚+醛)合计 246.9 298.9 293.1 21.1 18.7 -2.0 (酮+酚+醛)占比/% 71.8 72.4 73.3 -
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