思茅松毛虫(Dendrolimu kikuchii),又名褐色松毛虫,鳞翅目(Lepidopera)枯叶蛾科(Lasiocampidae)松毛虫属(Dendrolimus),最早在云南思茅被发现而命名[1].中国主要分布在云南、贵州、四川、广东、广西、湖北、湖南、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、福建、台湾、海南等省[2].思茅松毛虫主要以思茅松(Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis)、云南松(P.yunnanensis)、华山松(P. aimandi)等松科植物为食,在云南思茅地区主要为害思茅松,而在昆明周边主要为害滇油杉[3].思茅松毛虫是为害最为严重的6种松毛虫之一,严重时会使大批量松科植物枯萎死亡,状如火烧,严重影响相关地区的生态环境及旅游业,给当地人们的生产生活带来极大不便[4-6].由于地理位置不同,思茅松毛虫在中国南方分布具有特异性[7-8].因此,国外对思茅松毛虫研究较少,国内取得的研究成果颇丰[9-12].观察思茅松毛虫各生命阶段的形态特征及生活习性为思茅松毛虫的防治提供理论基础.
Observation of Morphological Characteristics of Dendrolimu kikuchii
摘要: 通过室内养殖方法,每天对思茅松毛虫进行观察并记录思茅松毛虫卵、各龄期幼虫、蛹、蛾的形态特征及其生命活动.并运用Sigmaplot,Origin,SPSS等软件对思茅松毛虫卵的长短直径、幼虫头壳宽和体长、成虫翅展和体长、自然条件下与人工条件下7龄思茅松毛虫幼虫的体长做了生物统计学实验,并分析了思茅松毛虫生命各阶段的生命活动及形态特征.虫卵的长直径与短直径无线性关系;幼虫的头壳宽与体长线性关系为Y=0.024X+0.896 6(Y表示头壳宽,X表示体长),R2=0.940 9;成虫翅展与体长无线性关系;自然条件下与人工条件下7龄思茅松毛虫幼虫的体长差异极具有统计学意义.Abstract: In order to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of Dendrolimu kikuchii, an indoor culture experiment was carried out, in which daily observation and recording were made of the morphological characteristics and life activities of the eggs, instar larvae, pupae and moths of this insect pest. The softwares Sigmaplot, Origin and SPSS were used to make biostatistical analysis of the long and short diameters of the eggs, the head width and body length of the larvae and the wingspan and body length of the adults of D. kikuchii, and the body length of the 7th instars under natural and artificial conditions. The results were as follows. No linear relationship exists between the long diameter and short diameter of D. kikuchii eggs. The head width (Y) is linearly related to the body length (X) of the larvae (Y=0.024X+0.896 6, R2=0.940 9). There is no linear relationship between adult wingspan and body length. The difference in body length of the 7th instars of D. kikuchii is highly significantly different under natural and artificial conditions.
Key words:
- Dendrolimu kikuchii /
- morphological characteristics /
- biostatistical experiment .
表 1 不同状态下7龄幼虫体长
mm 条件 体长 自然条件 86.35±12.24a 人工条件 58.89±5.84b 表 2 雌雄成虫的翅展和体长
mm 雌雄种类 体长 翅展 雌蛾 35.65~50.02 91.94~100.52 雄蛾 34.07~40.15 53.50~60.02 -
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