2019年12月31日,我国报道了一组与湖北省武汉市华南海鲜批发市场相关人群中的肺炎病例[1]. 2020年1月7日,卫生部门证实了该病毒群与一种新型冠状病毒感染有关[2].尽管最初的报告病例与暴露于武汉海鲜市场有关,但目前的流行病学数据表明,该病毒可在人与人之间经呼吸道飞沫和接触传播,在相对封闭的环境中长时间暴露于高浓度气溶胶情况下存在经气溶胶传播的可能[3-7],主要侵犯人体呼吸系统.作为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件,其传染性强,人群普遍易感.全球有多个国家报道出现了新型冠状病毒肺炎(novel coronavirus pneumonia,NCP),截至2020年2月23日,我国感染人数已达77031人,治愈22746人(29.5%),死亡2444人(3.2%).作为一种新发的传染病,目前已有研究[8-9]报道了其临床特征及预后情况,但多数研究是对武汉当地住院患者的临床数据进行分析,对于武汉市以外其他地区感染者的临床特征及治疗预后情况报道较少.本研究分析了重庆地区NCP患者的流行病学史、临床表现、实验室检测结果、影像学特征、治疗方式和疗效,并对比分析了(危)重型患者与普通型/轻型患者在临床特征及预后方面的差异.
A Retrospective Analysis of the Clinical Characteristics of 223 NCP Patients in Chongqing
摘要: 目的:回顾性总结分析该院收治的新型冠状病毒肺炎患者临床特征、治疗方案和转归.方法:收集2020年1月24日-2020年2月23日重庆市公共卫生医疗救治中心收治的全部新型冠状病毒感染患者的临床资料,比较轻型和普通型病例(普通组)与(危)重型病例(重症组)在流行病学史、临床表现、实验室检测结果、影像学特征、治疗方式和疗效等方面是否存在差异.结果:共有223例新型冠状病毒肺炎(NCP)住院患者纳入该研究,平均年龄(46.5±16.1)岁,男性占47.5%(106/223),发病时最常见症状为发热(119,53.4%)和咳嗽(113,50.7%),87.9%(196/223)的患者胸部CT表现为双肺受累.与普通组比较,重症组患者平均年龄较大,合并基础疾病者较多(p < 0.05);实验室检查发现重症组患者淋巴细胞计数、白蛋白、氧合指数偏低,丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、肌酸激酶(CK)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、降钙素原(PCT)水平较普通组升高(p < 0.05).223例NCP感染患者均接受抗病毒治疗,其中68.6%(153/223)感染者进行了氧疗.截至2020年2月23日,共有112例(50.2%)患者出院,死亡0例.出院患者中,重症组出院患者平均住院天数(16.4±2.7)天明显长于普通组(13.8±3.9)天(p=0.034),但两组患者入院后核酸转阴时间差异不具有统计学意义(p=0.076).结论:NCP患者通常以发热、咳嗽为首发症状,约14.3%的NCP患者易发展为(危)重型NCP;与普通组患者比较,重症组患者年龄更大、实验室检查结果更差.
- 新型冠状病毒肺炎(NCP) /
- 临床特征 /
- 治疗
Abstract: Objective:To retrospectively analyze the clinical characteristics and treatment data of NCP (novel coronavirus pneumonia) patients. Methods:Clinical data of 223 NCP patients admitted by Chongqing Public Health Medical Center was collected. The patients were divided into a critically ill group and a noncritically ill group, and their epidemiological history, clinical manifestation, laboratory and imaging examination, and clinical efficacy were compared. Results:The mean age of the 223 hospitalized patients with NCP was 46.5±16.1 years and 106 (47.5%) of them were men. Their common symptoms included fever (119[53.4%]) and dry cough (113[59.4%]). Chest computed tomographic scans showed bilateral patchy shadows or ground glass opacity in 87.9%(196/223)of the patients. Compared with the noncritically ill patients, the critically ill patients were older and more likely to have underlying comorbidities (p < 0.05). Laboratory examination showed that compared with the noncritically ill group, patients of the critically ill group had lymphopenia, hypoproteinemia and hypoxemia, but had higher levels of Alt, AST, CK, LDH and PCT (p < 0.05). All the patients received antiviral therapy and many (68.6%) received oxygen therapy. A hundred and twelve patients (50.2%) were discharged by February 23, with no death. The patients of the critically ill group had longer HLOS, averaging 16.4±2.7 days, than the patients of the non-critically ill group (13.8±3.9 days) (p=0.034), but no significant difference existed in the time of the negative of virus index between the two groups (p=0.076). Conclusions:The majority of patients with NCP present fever and dry cough as the first symptoms. One seventh of the patients are likely to develop severe NCP. Compared with noncritically ill patients, critically ill patients are generally older, and have worse laboratory test results. -
表 1 223例NCP患者基本情况
(n=31)F/X2 p值 年龄(y) 46.5±16.1 44.9±16.0 56.4±12.4 1.687 0.000 男性(n,%) 106(47.5%) 88(45.8%) 18(58.1%) 1.601 0.206 暴露史(发病前2周) 有武汉旅游或居住史(n,%) 64(28.7%) 53(27.6%) 11(35.5%) 0.810 0.368 华南海鲜市场暴露史(n,%) 1(0.4%) 1(0.5%) 0 0.162 1.000 接触过来自武汉的确诊患者(n,%) 40(17.9%) 30(15.6%) 10(32.3%) 5.017 0.025 接触过本地确诊患者(n,%) 76(34.1%) 72(37.5%) 4(12.9%) 7.188 0.007 聚集性发病(n,%) 29(13%) 26(13.5%) 3(9.7%) 0.352 0.775 不明原因(n,%) 13(5.8%) 10(5.2%) 3(9.7%) 0.971 0.398 有吸烟史(n,%) 35(15.7%) 30(15.6%) 5(16.1%) 0.005 1.000 合并症 54(24.2%) 40(20.8%) 14(45.2%) 8.608 0.003 糖尿病(n,%) 18(8.1%) 10(5.2%) 8(25.8%) 15.261 0.000 高血压(n,%) 25(11.2%) 21(10.9%) 4(12.9%) 0.104 0.759 慢性心血管疾病(n,%) 1(0.4%) 1(0.5%) 0 0.162 1.000 慢阻肺(n,%) 1(0.4%) 1(0.5%) 0 0.162 1.000 慢性肝病(n,%) 8(3.6%) 6(3.1%) 2(6.5%) 0.854 0.308 HIV感染(n,%) 1(0.4%) 1(0.5%) 0 0.162 1.000 表 2 两组NCP患者临床特征比较
(n=31)F/X2 p值 发热(n,%) 119(53.4%) 92(47.9%) 27(87.1%) 16.463 0.000 最高体温(℃) 37.3~38.0 64(28.7%) 59(30.7%) 5(16.1%) 2.780 0.133 38.1~39.0 40(17.9%) 25(13.0%) 15(48.4%) 22.680 0.000 >39.0 15(6.7%) 8(4.2%) 7(22.6%) 14.425 0.000 咳嗽(n,%) 113(50.7%) 95(49.5%) 18(58.1%) 0.787 0.375 咳痰(n,%) 27(12.1%) 20(10.4%) 7(22.6%) 3.711 0.054 肌痛或疲劳(n,%) 12(5.4%) 10(5.2%) 2(6.5%) 0.081 0.675 头痛(n,%) 11(4.9%) 10(5.2%) 1(3.2%) 0.224 1.000 腹泻(n,%) 12(5.4%) 12(6.3%) 0 2.048 0.381 呼吸困难(n,%) 15(6.7%) 0 15(48.4%) 99.603 0.000 发病至呼吸困难天数/天 0 9.5±3.4 发病到入院时间/天 5(1~21) 4(1~21) 6(1~16) 2.813 0.005 呼吸频率>24次/min(n,%) 7(3.1%) 2(1.0%) 5(16.1%) 19.982 0.000 病毒感染来源 在武汉感染者(n,%) 65(29.1%) 54(28.1%) 11(35.5%) 0.700 0.403 接触武汉返渝人员而感染者(n,%) 40(17.9%) 30(15.6%) 10(32.3%) 5.017 0.025 接触本地感染者及聚集性发病者(n,%) 105(47.1 %) 98(51.0%) 7(22.6%) 8.678 0.003 不明原因(n,%) 13(5.8%) 10(5.2%) 3(9.7%) 0.971 0.398 表 3 两组NCP患者入院时实验室检查结果比较
(n=31)F/X2 p值 白细胞(×109/L) 5.5±2.2 5.4±1.9 6.1±3.3 13.798 0.124 <4(n,%) 50(22.4%) 42(21.9%) 8(25.8%) 0.237 0.626 4-10(n,%) 165(73.9%) 145(75.5%) 20(64.5%) 1.680 0.195 >10(n,%) 8(3.9%) 5(2.6%) 3(9.7%) 3.861 0.084 淋巴细胞计数(×109/L) 1.5±0.6 1.5±0.6 1.0±0.4 7.366 0.000 ≤1.0(n,%) 47(21.1%) 30(15.6%) 17(54.8%) 24.674 0.000 >1.0(n,%) 176(78.9%) 162(84.4%) 14(45.2%) 血红蛋白/(g·L-1) 135.1±17.4 135.9±17.8 130.1±14.4 1.903 0.086 血小板(×109/L) 199.8±83.8 197.8±75.4 211.8±124.3 22.463 0.388 D二聚体/(μg·L-1) 0.6(0-7) 0.6(0-7) 1.1(0-1.8) 0.055 0.956 白蛋白/(g·L-1) 42.6±4.8 42.9±3.9 40.7±8.4 378.390 0.000 <40(n,%) 63(28.3%) 45(23.4%) 18(58.1%) 15.788 0.000 ≥40(n,%) 160(71.7%) 147(76.6%) 13(41.9%) ALT(U/L) 20(7-808) 20(7-234) 34(12-808) 3.647 0.000 ≤40(n,%) 181(81.2%) 162(84.4%) 19(61.3%) 9.304 0.002 >40(n,%) 42(18.8%) 30(15.6%) 12(38.7%) AST(U/L) 30(11-598) 26(11-178) 60(15-598) 44.024 0.000 ≤35(n,%) 191(85.7%) 172(89.6%) 19(61.3%) 17.384 0.000 >35(n,%) 32(14.3%) 20(10.4%) 12(38.7%) 总胆红素/(μmol·L-1) 18.8(4.8-88.8) 19.2(4.8-88.8) 17.5(7-29.1) 4.221 0.000 肌酐/(μmol·L-1) 69.4±18.3 69.5±17.9 68.2±20.8 0.815 0.710 肌酸激酶/(U·L-1) 63(7.3-1519) 61(7.3-965) 100(27-1519) 2.635 0.008 ≤170(n,%) 193(86.5%) 173(90.1%) 20(64.5%) 15.009 0.000 >170(n,%) 30(13.5%) 19(9.9%) 11(35.5%) LDH(U/L) 196(37-876) 188(37-732) 297(179-876) 6.451 0.000 ≤245(n,%) 164(73.5%) 157(81.8%) 7(22.6%) 48.059 0.000 >245(n,%) 59(26.5%) 35(18.2%) 24(77.4%) 降钙素原/(ng·mL-1) 0.02(0.01-0.5) 0.02(0.01-0.4) 0.05(0.01-2.1) 4.604 0.000 氧合指数(mm Hg) 347(124-848) 357(300-848) 197(124-352) 5.016 0.000 胸部CT表现 单侧病变 12(5.4%) 12(6.2%) 0 4.960 0.817 左肺 3 0 右肺 9 0 双侧病变 196(87.9%) 165(85.9%) 31(100%) 多发斑片或磨玻璃影 165 21 实变影 0 10 无影像学表现 15(6.7%) 15(7.8%) 0 表 4 两组NCP患者治疗方式及疗效比较
(n=31)F/X2 p值 氧疗方式(n,%) 未吸氧 70(31.4%) 70(36.5%) 0 16.473 0.000 鼻导管 130(58.3%) 122(63.5%) 8(25.8%) 15.633 0.000 高流量吸氧 8(3.6%) 0 8(25.8%) 51.392 0.000 无创机械通气 12(5.4%) 0 12(38.7%) 78.549 0.000 有创机械通气 3(1.3%) 0 3(9.7%) 18.834 0.002 抗病毒治疗(n,%) 223(100%) 192(100%) 31(100%) 使用糖皮质激素(n,%) 17(7.6%) 0 17(54.8%) 113.979 0.000 临床结局 出院人数(n,%) 112(50.2%) 101(52.6%) 11(35.5%) 3.129 0.077 出院者平均住院天数/天 14.0±3.9 13.8±3.9 16.4±2.7 2.740 0.034 出院者入院后核酸转阴时间/天 11.9±3.8 11.7±3.9 13.9±3.0 1.310 0.076 死亡人数 0 0 0 -
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