目前我国脱贫攻坚已经取得全面胜利,如何发挥区域旅游资源的乘数效应,将资源优势转化为社会经济优势,进一步提高旅游减贫效率,继而持续助推区域乡村振兴发展,成为学术界关注的焦点. 位于我国西部偏远民族贫困地区的贵州省在解决贫困人口脱贫、迈向全面小康的进程中,充分发挥其生态、环境以及优质旅游资源的优势,采用“大旅游”战略引领区域经济与民生发展,使得旅游经济成为拉动区域经济的重要增长极,贵州省贫困县2020年底全部“脱帽”. 基于此,本研究将贵州省作为典型案例地,探究其旅游减贫效率格局演化及其影响因素,对西部偏远特困地区以及民族地区的旅游生产要素合理化配置和旅游发展提质增效有一定的参考价值.
The Evolution of the Efficiency Pattern of Poverty Reduction in Tourism in Guizhou Province and Its Influencing Factors
摘要: 旅游减贫效率是综合衡量区域旅游减贫效果的重要手段,探究民族地区旅游减贫效率格局演化规律,对其旅游提质增效具有指导意义. 以贵州省88个县为例,借助Bootstrap-DEA、GIS空间分析及空间计量模型方法,实证探究其旅游减贫效率格局演化及影响因素. 研究发现:①研究区总效率与规模效率均有一定程度的提升,纯技术效率却保持不变,总效率的提升主要得益于规模效率的不断增强;三者内部均存在显著的空间正相关性,且空间关联性逐渐增强. ②总效率的空间格局总体保持稳定,处于低效区的县域占比大,纯技术效率与规模效率的空间格局波动较大;总效率高值集聚区从西南、东北两方位向以贵阳为中心的区域逐渐蔓延扩大;纯技术效率高值集聚中心整体表现出向贵州省中北部移动的态势;规模效率一直保持“中部低,两侧高”的空间分布格局. ③旅游资源禀赋、人力资本、产业结构、固定资产投资等多种因素及其空间效应强度的差异导致区域旅游减贫效率格局呈现不同的演变轨迹.Abstract: The efficiency of tourism poverty reduction is an important means to comprehensively measure the effect of regional tourism poverty reduction. To explore the evolution law of the efficiency pattern of tourism poverty alleviation in ethnic areas is of guiding significance to improve the quality and efficiency of tourism. In order to deepen the understanding of the evolution of the efficiency pattern of tourism poverty alleviation in ethnic areas, and provide decision-making reference for the sustainable development of Guizhou tourism and for the improvement of its quality and efficiency, this paper uses bootstrap-DEA, GIS spatial analysis and spatial econometric model to explore the evolution and influencing factors of tourism poverty alleviation efficiency pattern with 88 counties in Guizhou Province as an example. The results show that total efficiency and scale efficiency are improved to a certain extent, while pure technical efficiency remains unchanged. The improvement of total efficiency is mainly due to the continuous enhancement of scale efficiency; there is a significant positive spatial correlation among the three, and the spatial correlation is gradually enhanced. The overall spatial pattern of total efficiency remains stable, and counties in low efficiency areas account for a large proportion; however, the spatial pattern of pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency fluctuate greatly. The high-value cluster area of total efficiency is gradually expanding from the southwest and northeast to Guiyang as the center; the high-value cluster center of pure technical efficiency is moving to the north central part of Guizhou as a whole; scale efficiency has always maintained the spatial distribution pattern of "low in the middle and high on both sides". The differences in tourism resource endowment, human capital, industrial structure, fixed asset investment and their spatial effect intensities lead to different evolution paths of the regional tourism poverty alleviation efficiency pattern.
表 1 综合测度结果
总效率 纯技术效率 规模效率 2011年 2016年 2011年 2016年 2011年 2016年 最大值 1 1 1 1 1 1 最小值 0.035 0.043 0.067 0.074 0.082 0.091 平均值 0.317 0.335 0.580 0.580 0.576 0.628 标准差 0.237 0.235 0.314 0.319 0.231 0.002 Moran's I 0.197 0.235 0.226 0.248 0.516 0.593 Z(I) 3.167 3.739 3.566 3.881 7.931 9.077 p值 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 表 2 空间误差和滞后模型检验结果
TEST MI/DF 统计量 p值 Moran's I(error) 0.370 7 5.945 4 0.000 0 Lagrange Multiplier(lag) 1 31.803 0 0.000 0 Robust LM(lag) 1 4.385 3 0.036 2 Lagrange Multiplier(error) 1 28.425 6 0.000 0 Robust LM(error) 1 1.008 0 0.315 4 Lagrange Multiplier(sarma) 2 32.811 0 0.000 0 表 3 空间误差和滞后模型估计结果
变量 SLM SEM γ Std.Error Z值 p值 γ Std.Error Z值 p值 W_lnY 0.496 4 0.100 9 4.921 3 0.000 0 lnSTR 0.076 4 0.030 6 2.499 7 0.012 4 0.077 5 0.030 1 2.574 8 0.010 0 lnRES 0.061 4 0.023 3 2.638 0 0.008 3 0.052 8 0.023 3 2.266 1 0.023 4 lnL 0.007 5 0.033 7 0.221 7 0.024 5 0.023 7 0.031 9 0.743 4 0.457 3 lnCP 0.060 5 0.037 0 1.633 8 0.092 3 0.070 7 0.038 1 1.857 4 0.063 3 lnOPEN -0.037 2 0.030 8 -1.207 5 0.227 2 -0.029 0 0.028 7 -1.010 4 0.312 3 Constant 1.194 9 0.305 7 3.908 4 0.000 1 1.657 0 0.292 5 5.664 7 0.000 0 LAMBDA 0.613 8 0.101 5 6.045 3 0.000 0 -
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