昆虫种类众多、分布广泛,受益于昆虫在进化过程中生成的多种适应环境条件的能力,滞育便是昆虫周期性度过不良生存环境的一种策略. 与休眠不同,滞育是昆虫经年累月受到特定的刺激(例如光周期、温度等)[1],将这些外部信号转化为生物的一种特性,并遗传给后代. 进入滞育的昆虫,新陈代谢速率下降、应激耐受力增强、生长发育停滞[2].
滞育可以发生在昆虫生长的任一阶段,按照不同的发育时期,可分为卵滞育、幼虫滞育、蛹滞育和成虫滞育[3]. 家蚕(Bombyx mori)是典型的卵滞育昆虫,遗传背景清晰,有重要的经济价值. 实际生产中,常使用一些特殊的处理法(如即时浸酸法、冷藏浸酸法)阻断或解除滞育[4],使其进入正常的发育状态. 此外,高浓度氧气处理滞育卵也能有效阻断蚕卵滞育[5-6]. 由于滞育对家蚕生长繁育的影响与蚕业生产相关,滞育机制还未完全解析,因此家蚕滞育研究一直是大家关注的焦点.
热激蛋白(heat stress proteins,Hsps)广泛存在于原核、真核生物中,最早在果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)中发现[7]. 当生物遭受外界胁迫(如高温)时,体内细胞通过诱导合成热激蛋白,作为分子伴侣促进蛋白质的完整性和细胞稳态,以抵御胁迫反应[8]. Hsps分子量差异较大,可分为sHsps(small heat shock proteins),Hsp60,Hsp70以及Hsp90[9]. 热激蛋白的存在反映了生物对环境中存在的某些极端应力的响应机制. 有研究表明,热激蛋白与昆虫的滞育联系紧密,在滞育期间热激蛋白基因表达产物通过增加、减少或者维持不变来促进昆虫在逆境中的生存[8].
在前期研究中,我们通过对家蚕滞育卵与发育卵转录组的研究分析[6],发现了一些差异表达的热激蛋白基因,在这些基因中筛选出小分子热激蛋白BmHsp19.1基因,进行克隆、生物信息分析以及在不同发育状态蚕卵中的表达特征调查,对该基因的功能进行了初步推导. 该结果为解析BmHsp19.1功能提供了有价值的信息,为其他昆虫sHsps的研究提供了一些参考.
Cloning and Expression Analysis of BmHsp19.1 Gene in Silkworm Eggs
摘要: 小分子热激蛋白(small heat shock proteins,sHsps)是细胞抵御压力首先反应的蛋白,目前家蚕卵滞育相关的sHsps研究较少. 为了更好地了解sHsps在滞育过程中的作用,以转录组筛选出的差异表达基因BmHsp19.1为研究对象,通过生物信息学分析、基因克隆、PCR等方法对其进行克隆鉴定及在滞育卵、非滞育卵等蚕卵中的表达特征进行分析. 结果发现:BmHsp19.1基因ORF框全长507 bp,编码168个氨基酸,理论分子量为19.06 kDa,有典型的Hsp20结构域,属于sHsps家族;qRT-PCR结果显示该基因在滞育卵3~7 d表达量上调,而在非滞育卵中仅在第7 d上调表达,且滞育卵中表达量显著高于非滞育卵,暗示BmHsp19.1基因在蚕卵进入滞育时可能发挥作用,起到了保护机体免受损伤的抗逆作用. 结果为解析BmHsp19.1基因功能提供了有用的信息,也为其他昆虫的sHsps研究提供了一些有价值的参考.
- 家蚕 /
- BmHsp19.1基因 /
- 滞育 /
- 基因克隆
Abstract: Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are the first line of cell defense. However, to date, the sHsps of Bombyx mori (BmsHsps), which are related to diapause of silkworm eggs, were not well studied. In order to better understand the role of BmsHsps in the process of diapause, the BmHsp19.1 gene, which is differentially expressed between diapause eggs and nondiapause eggs in the transcriptome, was studied by gene cloning, bioinformatics methods and PCR analysis. The results showed that the ORF of the BmHsp19.1 gene was 507 bp in length, encoding a total 168 amino acids, and the theoretical molecular weight of the protein was 19.06 kDa, which had a typical Hsp20 domain and belonged to the sHsps family. The BmHsp19.1 was up-regulated at day 3 to 7 after oviposition in diapause eggs, while it was up-regulated only at day 7 after oviposition in nondiapause eggs. Moreover, the expression level of BmHsp19.1 in diapause eggs was significantly higher than that in nondiapause eggs. It is speculated that BmHsp19.1 gene is involved in silkworm enter diapause, and plays an anti-stress role in protecting the body from injury. The results increased our understanding in the biological functions of BmHsp19.1, and may facilitate the sHsps study of other insects.-
Key words:
- Bombyx mori /
- BmHsp19.1 /
- diapause /
- gene cloning .
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