“以药制药”应用于中医药已有十分悠久的历史,最早可追溯至东汉张仲景《金匮要略方论》中记载的阿胶经蒲黄炒后可增效、川乌经蜜制后可减毒,其是以一些药物炮制另一些药物,以达到减毒、增效/存效等效果的传统制药技术[1]. 目前可用于炮制其他药物的药物较多,如生姜、蛤蚧粉、蜂蜜、蒲黄、吴茱萸、甘草[1]. 具有调和诸药功能的甘草备受关注,其在“以药制药”领域内应用广泛,可使被炮制的药物减毒、增效/存效,如甘草制雷公藤、款冬花等[2-3].
细辛Asari Radix et Rhizoma为马兜铃科植物北细辛Asarum heterotropoides Fr. Schmidt var. mandshuricum (Maxim.) Kitag.、汉城细辛Asarum sieboldii Miq. var. seoulense Nakai或华细辛Asarum sieboldii Miq.的干燥根和根茎,为中医临床常用中药. 受“马兜铃酸肾病”的影响,其临床用药的安全性受到关注;同时大量研究表明,细辛长期大剂量服用会对肝肾等重要脏器产生毒性[4-6]. 炮制是一种能使中药减毒并存效或增效的有效方法[7],目前关于炮制对细辛成分、药效、毒性的影响报道较少,相关研究亟待加强. 有研究分析了不同炮制方法(盐制、炒焦、米泔水制、碱制、甘草制、醋制、姜制、酒制、碱醋制、蜜制)对细辛毒性成分(马兜铃酸A、黄樟醚)含量的影响,结果表明细辛炮制后,马兜铃酸A和黄樟醚的量均有不同程度的降低[8]. 据报道,细辛经碱(NaHCO3)制后,其急性毒性降低,抗炎镇痛作用增强[9]. 综上,本研究拟基于“以药制药”理念,通过急性毒性实验、长期毒性实验、大鼠硝酸甘油偏头痛模型,对细辛经甘草炮制前后的毒性、药效变化进行剖析,以提升细辛临床用药的安全性和有效性.
Exploration on the Effect of Liquorice Processing on Toxicity and Efficacy of Asari Radix et Rhizoma Based on "Medicine Processed by Medicine" Concept
剖析甘草制对细辛毒效的影响,在急性毒性实验中,将130只KM小鼠均分为6个生细辛组、6个甘草制细辛组、1个空白对照组,给药1次,观察14 d内动物的一般情况,采用Bliss法计算半数致死量(LD50). 在长期毒性实验中,将50只SD大鼠均分为空白对照组、生细辛低/高剂量组、甘草制细辛低/高剂量组,每天1次,连续灌胃给药28 d,观察动物的一般情况,生化分析法检测血丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、肌酐(Cr)、尿素氮(BUN)水平,测定肝肾脏器系数,HE染色法检查肝肾组织病理学变化. 在抗偏头痛药效实验中,将40只SD大鼠均分为空白对照组、模型组、西比灵组、生细辛组、甘草制细辛组,每天1次,连续灌胃给药7 d,硝酸甘油造模,ELSIA法检测血一氧化氮(NO)、一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)、降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)和脑5-羟色胺(5-HT)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)水平. 毒性实验结果显示:细辛经甘草炮制后,出现毒性的时间延后,LD50增加,对肝肾功能血液生化指标(ALT,AST,Cr和BUN)、脏器系数、病理损伤的影响减弱. 抗偏头痛药效实验结果显示:生细辛组与甘草制细辛组大鼠的血NO,NOS,CGRP和脑5-HT,NE水平差异无统计学意义. 综上,甘草制可使细辛减毒存效,研究结果可进一步提升细辛临床用药的安全性和有效性.
Abstract:This work aimed to dissect the effect of liquorice processing on toxicity and efficacy of Asari Radix et Rhizoma (ARR). In the acute toxicity test, 130 KM mice were equally divided into 6 raw ARR groups, 6 liquorice-processed ARR groups, and 1 blank control group. Mice were intragastrically given drugs once. The general conditions of the mice were observed for 14 days, and the median lethal dose (LD50) was calculated by the Bliss method. In the long-term toxicity test, 50 SD rats were equally divided into blank control group, raw ARR low/high-dose groups, and liquorice-processed ARR low/high-dose groups. Rats were intragastrically given drugs once a day for 28 days. The general conditions of the rats were observed, and blood alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatinine (Cr), and urea nitrogen (BUN) levels of rats were detected by biochemical analysis method. Meanwhile, the coefficients of liver and kidney organs of rats were determined by analytical balance, and the histopathological changes of liver and kidney of rats were examined by HE staining method. In the anti-migraine pharmacodynamic experiment, 40 SD rats were equally divided into blank control group, model group, Sibelium group, raw ARR group, and liquorice-processed ARR group. Rats were intragastrically given drugs once a day for 7 days, and nitroglycerin was used to build migraine model. ELISA method was used to detect blood nitric oxide (NO), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and brain serotonin (5-HT), norepinephrine (NE) levels of rats. The toxicity test results showed that after ARR was processed by liquorice, the time for toxicity manifestation was delayed, and the LD50 was increased. Meanwhile, the influence of liquorice-processed ARR on blood biochemical indexes (ALT, AST, Cr, and BUN) of liver and kidney function, organ coefficients, and pathological damage of rats was weakened compared to raw ARR. The anti-migraine pharmacodynamic experiment results suggested that there was no significant difference in blood NO, NOS, CGRP and brain 5-HT, NE levels of rats between raw ARR and liquorice-processed ARR groups. In conclusion, liquorice processing can reduce the toxicity and remain the efficacy of ARR. The results of this work can promote the safety and effectiveness of the clinical use of ARR.
Key words:
- Asari Radix et Rhizoma /
- Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma /
- medicine processed by medicine /
- toxicity /
- efficacy .
表 1 生细辛及甘草制细辛的急性毒性实验结果
药物 组别 剂量/(g·kg-1) 动物数/只 死亡数/只 死亡率/% LD50/(g·kg-1) 平均可信限 蒸馏水 1 - 10 0 0 生细辛 2 7.87 10 10 100 4.83 0.73 3 6.30 10 8 80 4 5.04 10 5 50 5 4.03 10 3 30 6 3.23 10 1 10 7 2.58 10 1 10 甘草制细辛 8 9.40 10 10 100 5.69 0.71 9 7.52 10 8 80 10 6.02 10 6 60 11 4.81 10 3 30 12 3.85 10 1 10 13 3.08 10 0 0 表 2 生细辛及甘草制细辛对大鼠肝肾血液生化指标的影响(x±s,n=10)
组别 剂量/(g·kg-1) ALT/(U·L-1) AST/(U·L-1) Cr/(μmoI·L-1) BUN/(mmol·L-1) 空白对照组 - 18.70±3.04 19.68±6.52 89.85±30.78 4.11±0.73 生细辛低剂量组 0.42 18.04±5.75 23.29±6.85 97.86±26.62 4.64±1.48 生细辛高剂量组 1.67 25.86±8.60** 27.11±8.56* 78.71±18.44 5.45±1.59* 甘草制细辛低剂量组 0.42 18.18±4.34 22.47±5.74 107.37±21.05 4.86±1.27 甘草制细辛高剂量组 1.67 20.81±6.48 25.23±7.80 83.32±21.87 5.02±1.70 注:与空白对照组比较,*表示p<0.05,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义. 表 3 生细辛及甘草制细辛对大鼠脏器系数的影响(x±s,n=10)
分组 剂量/(g·kg-1) 肝脏脏器系数/% 肾脏脏器系数/% 空白对照组 - 3.09±0.18 0.65±0.05 生细辛低剂量组 0.42 3.35±0.12* 0.69±0.05 生细辛高剂量组 1.67 3.75±0.24** 0.73±0.10** 甘草制细辛低剂量组 0.42 3.11±0.21 0.69±0.04 甘草制细辛高剂量组 1.67 3.41±0.52*# 0.68±0.05 注:与空白对照组比较,*表示p<0.05,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义;与生细辛高剂量组比较,#表示p<0.05,差异有统计学意义. 表 4 肝细胞肿胀的病理损伤分型
分型 程度 特征病变描述 Ⅰ型 + 肝细胞轻度肿胀,表现为颗粒变性,胞浆内见红染的细小颗粒. Ⅱ型 ++ 肝细胞体积明显肿大,表现为水泡变性,胞浆内见大小不等的空隙,结构疏松呈网状. Ⅲ型 +++ 肝细胞体积肿大,胞浆内见少量红染的细胞基质,空白淡染形似气球,多数肝窦闭锁. Ⅳ型 ++++ 在细胞肿胀的基础上,出现明显的肝细胞坏死. 表 5 生细辛及甘草制细辛对大鼠肝脏细胞肿胀分型的影响(n=10)
组别 Ⅰ型 Ⅱ型 Ⅲ型 Ⅳ型 空白对照组 2 1 1 0 生细辛低剂量组 5 2 2 0 生细辛高剂量组 1 1 1 6 甘草制细辛低剂量组 4 2 0 0 甘草制细辛高剂量组 1 2 5 0 注:数值代表各组出现对应肝细胞肿胀病理损伤分型的大鼠数量. 表 6 生细辛及甘草制细辛对大鼠肾组织病理损伤的影响(n=10)
组别 肾小管上皮细胞变性/坏死 充血 蛋白管型 空白对照组 3 3 6 生细辛低剂量组 7 2 9 生细辛高剂量组 7 6 10 甘草制细辛低剂量组 6 3 6 甘草制细辛高剂量组 7 3 9 注:数值代表各组出现对应肾组织病理损伤的大鼠数量. 表 7 细辛及甘草制细辛对偏头痛大鼠血中NO,NOS和CGRP水平的影响(x±s,n=8)
组别 剂量/(mg·kg-1) NO/(μmol·L-1) NOS/(μmol·L-1) CGRP/(ng·L-1) 空白对照组 - 22.72±1.83 28.40±1.43 44.14±3.52 模型组 - 40.39±2.86** 39.26±2.73** 58.62±2.64** 西比灵组 1 30.02±2.99## 32.56±1.10## 52.87±6.67## 生细辛组 330 29.62±3.67## 31.66±3.53## 50.04±1.81## 甘草制细辛组 330 30.14±2.34## 32.17±1.78## 49.73±2.24## 注:与空白对照组比较,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义;与模型组比较,##表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义. 表 8 细辛及甘草制细辛对偏头痛大鼠脑组织中5-HT和NE水平的影响(x±s,n=8)
组别 剂量/(mg·kg-1) 5-HT/(ng·L-1) NE/(pg·mL-1) 空白对照组 - 212.09±7.25 170.21±12.07 模型组 - 309.58±16.75** 227.63±10.35** 西比灵组 1 273.85±22.19## 191.83±13.86## 生细辛组 330 253.08±11.47## 184.20±9.09## 甘草制细辛组 330 249.90±8.54## 181.95±10.41## 注:与空白对照组比较,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义;与模型组比较,##表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义. -
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