为了发掘可改良贵州栽培大麦营养物质质量分数的基因资源, 以67份贵州地方栽培大麦为研究材料, 分别种植于安徽省来安县汪庄、 安徽省来安县广大圩和四川省崇州市羊马镇3个环境中, 采用紫外分光光度法测定该群体籽粒总类黄酮、 总酚、 植酸、 无机磷、 氨基酸和可溶性蛋白质6个营养性状质量分数. 结果发现: 不同种植环境对大麦籽粒营养成分质量分数影响程度不同. 网络相关性分析表明, 大麦籽粒营养性状之间均呈正相关性, 安徽环境条件下总酚仅与黄酮、 可溶性蛋白质有显著相关性, 四川环境条件下各营养成分间相关性复杂. 因此, 大麦总酚与其他指标间的相关性可能受环境因素影响较大, 可为改良贵州栽培大麦提供一定的理论依据.
In order to find genetic resources for improving nutrition content in Guizhou cultivated barley, a population consisting of 67 Guizhou local cultivated barley were planted in three environment: Wang Zhuang and Guang Daxu in Anhui province, Yangma Town in Sichuan province, and total flavonoids (TFC), total phenol (TP), phytic acid (PHY), inorganic phosphorus (P), amino acids (NH2) and soluble protein (TSP) was determined by UV spectrophotometry method.The results show that influence degree of barley grain nutrients content is different in different planting environment.Network correlation analysis shows that there is a positively correlation between the barley grains nutritional properties.Total phenols only were significantly correlated with total flavonoids and soluble protein in Anhui Province environmental.There is a complex relationship among various nourishment compositions in complex Sichuan environmental.As a result, the correlation between total phenol and other nutrient contents of barley grain may be affected by environmental factors.This study provides a theoretical basis for the improvement of Guizhou cultivated barley.