Ecological Wisdom of Plant Landscape Construction of Rural Traditional Dwellings in low Mountains and Hilly Areas of Western Chongqing
摘要: 渝西低山丘陵乡村传统民居植物景观在重庆地区具有一定的典型性和代表性.对渝西传统民居庭院及周边常见的风水林、果园、茶园、农田和水系等植物景观进行了现场调研,并从“风水林的营造与保护、因地制宜以节约成本、最大化利用生态资源、适宜操作的生产方式”4个方面分析传统民居植物景观所折射出的生态智慧,可为乡村绿化规划及“美丽乡村”景观建设提供参考.Abstract: The plant landscape of rural traditional dwellings in the low mountains and hills of western Chongqing is typical and representative in Chongqing area. A field survey of the common geomantic forest, orchard, tea garden, farmland, water system and other plant landscapes in the courtyard and the surrounding area of traditional dwellings was carried out, and the ecological wisdom reflected from the four aspects of "the construction and protection of geomantic forest, economizing the cost, maximizing the utilization of ecological resources, and operational mode of production "were analyzed as well, It can be used as a reference for rural greening planning and "beautiful village" landscape construction.
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