On Spatial Characteristics of Wu Family Manor in Jingyang in Guanzhong Area in Late Qing Dynasty
摘要: 泾阳吴氏庄园地处陕西关中腹地,历史悠久,作为清中后期陕西盐商吴氏家族的庄园,是关中私家宅园的典型代表.以泾阳吴氏庄园为研究对象,以历史文献和田野调查为依据,对宅园东院平面进行复原示意,对空间布局、空间序列和空间营造特色三方面进行着重分析,结果表明,吴氏庄园空间格局上左右对称、院落狭长;围合以从内至外由厅堂、厦房、倒座、墙体及院门组成,丰富且富有层次;在空间视线控制上,吴氏庄园以空间渗透化解了平面狭长产生的缺陷.作为关中传统私家宅院,吴氏庄园对于了解关中地区优秀宅院庄园庭院空间极具历史、美学及社会意义.Abstract: Wu Family Manor is located in the hinterland of Guanzhong, Shaanxi Province, with a long history. As a manor of the Shaanxi salt merchant in the late Qing Dynasty, Wu Family Manor is a typical representative of the private villa in Guanzhong. Based on the historical literature and field investigation, this paper takes Wu Manor in Jingyang as the research object, makes a restoration plan of the east courtyard of the garden, and focuses on the analysis of the spatial layout, spatial sequence and spatial construction characteristics, so as to provide reference for the research on the characteristics of the manor courtyard space in Guanzhong area in the Qing dynasty. It can be concluded that the courtyard of Wu Family Manor is symmetrical, but long and narrow. It is composed of the hall, the building, the wall and the courtyard. The space processing offsets its defect with the aid of space penetration. As a traditional private house in Guanzhong, Wu Family Manor is abundant in historical, aesthetic and social meaning to get insight the excellent housing yard space in Guanzhong.
Key words:
- the late Qing Dynasty /
- Wu Family Manor /
- plane restoration /
- courtyard space /
- spatial characteristics .
表 1 景点对照表
吴氏庄园东院构成 具体景点 《咸阳庄园》描述原文[10] 大门 倒座房,大门 前排倒座共8间,西与院墙齐.院子通面阔5间.大门为金柱大门,设在倒座由西向东的第5间,即院子东南方,巽位.进入大门,迎面便是厢房南墙上的座山影壁. 前院 厢房 前院两侧为厢房,厢房通面阔3间,进深1间,梁架为三架梁,带前檐廊. 大厅 六椽厅 大厅通面阔5间,进深3间,梁架为抬梁式五架梁. 过厅 过厅 过厅通面阔5间,进深1间,有梳廊,明间供人穿行通过. 内院 厢房,圆门,石缸,石桌,石凳,石鼓 内院东西为厢房,过厅与东西厢房之间的院墙上各有圆门1个,通往东西侧院.内院东西厢房通面阔3间,进深1间,带有檐廊,檐廊两侧开有廊门.
内院南侧放置有石缸1个,北侧放置有方形石桌1个,方形石凳4个,分别位于石桌四边.还有金瓜形石鼓1个,位于石桌东南方.正房 正房,小门 正房面朝南,通面阔5间,进深1间,建在砖石砌成的商台上.屋顶为硬山式,梁架为抬梁式三架梁带前梢廊.前檐柱落地,两侧有通往侧院的小门. -
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