The Centennial Evolution of Chinese Aesthetic Education under the Influence of Educational Policies
摘要: 学校美育的定位和实施一直以来深受教育政策演变制约。从二十世纪初清末《奏定学堂章程》对艺术课程设置的规定,以及蔡元培将“美育”纳入教育方针开始,中国学校美育就一直在政策变迁中起伏跌宕,历经一百余年洗礼,形成了相互交融的六个发展时期。第一,艺术课程与学校美育初生期,在政策法令中明确了艺术课程设置,引入美育概念,美育首现于教育方针;第二,艺术教育兴盛与抗战艺术期,美育淡出教育政策,但作为美育一个重要组成部分的艺术教育,在抗战时期的国统区学校教育,特别是在共产党根据地的社会教育中,发挥了重要作用;第三,新中国美育复苏期,美育再现于教育政策,出现短暂的艺术教育与美育关系的讨论和理论建设;第四,学校美育消亡期,美育从教育政策中消失,学校美育销声匿迹,但也为反思美育问题提供了土壤;第五,学校美育再恢复与体系初创期,政策再次明确了美育定位,开始对学校美育进行系统的理论和实践探索,提出了跨领域、跨学科的学校大美育系统构架,为后来学校美育的全面实施做了理论与实践的准备;第六,新时代学校美育全方位推进期,以党的十八届三中全会提出“改进学校美育,提高学生审美与人文素养”为转折点,之后数年接连发布了有关政策,提出了“面向人人”的“新时代学校美育”以及“立德树人,以美育人”的美育概念和内涵,强化了美育与中华优秀传统文化和社会主义核心价值观融合,与信息化、智能化结合,增强了国家、民族和公民文化自信,为推动创建中国特色社会主义现代化学校美育开辟了政策道路。Abstract: The goal and implementation of aesthetic education in school has been influenced by changes of educational policies. Since the beginning of the 20th century in Qing Dynasty, when art courses in school had been required, and "aesthetic education" was introduced into the educational policy by Cai Yuanpei, Chief Education Officer of the government of the Republic of China, Chinese aesthetic education in school has experienced six stages under the influence of educational policies over the past 100 years. The first stage (1904-1921) mainly focuses on the advent of art courses and aesthetic education mentioned in educational laws and regulations in which the curriculum construction and the concept were introduced, and aesthetic education firstly became a part of education policy. The second stage (1921-1949) was characterized by the flourishing of art education in the period of Anti-Japanese War. As an important part of aesthetic education, art education played an important role in school education in the Kuomintang-controlled areas during the War, especially in strongholds of Chinese communist party. The third stage (1949-1958), bringing up again aesthetic education in policy, starts from the founding of the People's Republic of China and ends up in the beginning of Culture Revolution. And there occurred a brief discussion and theoretical construction of the relationship between art education and aesthetic education. The fourth stage (1949-1978) witnessed the decline of aesthetic education, during which it was deleted from all sorts of educational policies and was prohibited in school. However, this contributed to the reflection on the problem of aesthetic education. In the fifth stag (1978-2012), aesthetic education was reemphasized in the government's policies, and theory of aesthetic education system began to be put forward based on a lot of empirical researches, making theoretical and practical preparations for the comprehensive implementation of school aesthetic education The sixth stage that continues to this day is marked with the most important government document in history issued in 2013 for strengthening aesthetic education in school, aiming at improving students' aesthetic and humanistic quality. After that, a number of educational policies have been introduced to emphasize aesthetic education for a New Era, which deals with morality education based on the universal aesthetic education. This promotes the combination of the aesthetic education and Chinese excellent traditional culture and socialist core values. By utilizing information and intelligent technology, these polices help to consolidate cultural confidence, thus making aesthetic education of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics a fresh outlook.
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