Gender Inequality in China's Pension Insurance System and Countermeasures
摘要: 在我国晚近人口结构迅速变化、女性大量进入劳动力市场、核心家庭结构不断瓦解的社会背景下,养老保险制度中的性别不平等问题随之凸显。与男性相比,我国女性退休后获得的养老金相对更少,且养老金的性别差距仍在不断扩大,“贫困女性化”问题日益严峻。在性别不平等的视角下,建立在“男主外、女主内”“生产归男性、家务归女性”的核心家庭模式基础上的养老保险制度,复制、延续甚至强化了女性群体在经济安全上的弱势地位及依赖角色,导致我国养老保险制度原有的预设和安排面临着不得不转型的挑战。基于此,有必要在检视我国养老保险制度性别不平等现状及背后原因的基础上,对我国养老保险制度进行相应的调整和重塑,以便更好地保障女性退休后的经济安全。Abstract: In the social context of the recent rapid changes of the demographic structure in China, a large number of women entering the labor market, and the continuous disintegration of the nuclear family structure, the issue of gender inequality in the pension insurance system has become prominent. Compared with men, women in China receive relatively fewer pensions after retirement, the gender gap in pensions is still widening, and the problem of "feminization of poverty" is becoming more and more serious. From the perspective of gender inequality, the pension insurance system based on the nuclear family model of "men dominate the outside, women dominate the interior", "production for men, and housework for women" has replicated, continued, and even reinforced the disadvantaged position and dependent role of women in economic security, so that the original preconditions and arrangements of my country's pension insurance system are facing the challenge of transforms. In this sense, it is necessary to adjust and reshape the Chinese pension insurance system on the basis of reviewing the status quo of gender inequality in Chinese pension insurance system and the reasons behind it, so as to better protect women's economic security after retirement.
Key words:
- pension insurance /
- gender inequality /
- three-child policy /
- feminization of poverty /
- housework /
- economic dependence .
表 1 2005年至2015年我国男女人口平均预期寿命②
(单位:岁) 年份 合计 男 女 男女差额 2005 72.95 70.83 75.25 4.42 2010 74.83 72.38 77.37 4.99 2015 76.34 73.64 79.43 5.79 表 2 2019年我国城镇按年龄、性别分因料理家务未工作的比率构成①
(单位:%) 年龄段 25~29岁 30~34岁 35~39岁 女 31.60 45.30 44.20 男 1.60 3.50 3.60 -
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