犬红细胞的细胞膜上具有特异性糖蛋白,这些表面蛋白是多态的,形成不同的犬血型,犬有8种主要血型抗原[1-2],其中犬DEA1.1血型抗原最具有免疫原性,因此DEA 1.1血型是临床上最容易引起输血反应的血型[3-4].有文献报道当抗原性强的DEA1.1+红细胞在不恰当输血情况下将会触发DEA1.1-犬的免疫反应,出现以发热、色素尿和昏睡为特征的症状[5]. 20世纪60年代使用多克隆抗体进行的研究发现DEA1血型系统含有3个等位基因,根据其基因显性程度从大到小排序为DEA1.1>1.2>1.3,这3种红细胞的抗原性均强于DEA1-[6-7]. DEA 1.2常见于野犬中,而在家犬中却少见,而DEA1.3只发现于澳洲,往往只出现于牧羊犬[6].因此,DEA1.1血型在临床上最重要,是输血前必须检查的项目之一[8].
国内血型检测比较落后,采血和输血还处于“现采现用”冒有巨大输血反应风险的阶段[12].一些动物医疗单位使用未知血型的进口犬作为供血犬,而没有充分利用具有丰富资源适应性强的本地犬种,导致资源错配和浪费.虽然同为亚洲犬种,日本对本地犬(特别是日本柴犬)的研究利用情况明显好于中国[13].为了减少输血反应风险,一些动物医疗单位在寻找没有输血反应风险的“万能供血犬”.虽然目前国际上并没有“万能供血犬”的公认标准,但具有DEA1.1-特征是“万能供血犬”必备的条件之一[6, 9].到目前为止,还没有发现真正能“万能供血”的犬.
DEA1.1 Blood Type Identification and Survey of Chinese Garden Dog
摘要: 由于DEA1.1血型是临床上犬最常见和最具免疫原性的血型,因此发达国家很重视DEA1.1血型的调查研究,但鲜有中国本土犬血型调查研究的报道.该研究通过血型鉴定卡法和抗体法调查了236条中华田园犬的血型,发现54.2%中华田园犬的血型为DEA1.1+(128/236),45.8%的犬血型为DEA1.1-(108/236).相对于雄性(48.1%),雌性中华田园犬DEA1.1的阳性率较高,达到了67.1%.研究结果表明,由于DEA1.1血型在输血中的重要意义和其在中华田园雄性犬中较低的出现率,建议可将雄性纯种中华田园犬作为紧急献血犬;在给其他犬种输血之前需要进行DEA1.1血型鉴定.Abstract: Clinically, DEA1.1 (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen) blood type is the most common and immunogenic blood type, and its investigation and study have attracted much attention of the researchers in the developed countries. However, few studies have been reported on DEA1.1 blood type of Chinese native dogs. In this study, a total of 236 native Chinese garden dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) were investigated about their DEA1.1 blood type by the blood type test card and the DEA1.1 antibody method. The results showed that 54.2% of the Chinese garden dogs were DEA1.1+ (128/236), and 45.8%were DEA1.1- (108/236). Compared with their male counterparts (48.1%), the female Chinese garden dogs had higher positive rate of DEA1.1 (67.1%). In conclusion, due to the importance of DEA1.1 blood type in transfusion and its low prevalence in male Chinese garden dogs, the male Chinese garden dogs are recommended to be used as blood donors in an emergency, and the DEA1.1 blood type should be identified before transfusion.
表 1 中华田园犬DEA1.1血型统计表
性别 检测数量(n) DEA1.1 DEA1.1+ DEA1.1- 数量(n) 阳率性/% 数量(n) 阳率性/% 雄性 160 77 48.1a 83 51.9a 雌性 76 51 67.1b 25 32.9b 总计 236 128 54.2c 108 45.8c 注:同一列不同字母表示差异具有统计学意义(p<0.05). -
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