Development of a Platform for Ground Monitoring of Forestry Pests and the Collection and Transmission of Related Information
- Received Date: 19/11/2015
- Available Online: 20/01/2017
Abstract: In a study reported in this paper, through the research of the hardware system and the software system of forestry pest ground monitoring and related information collection, the text description, scene of live representation and the monitoring trajectory of the recording, saving and wireless transmission of electronic documents about ground forestry pest monitoring survey, special survey, quarantine and supervision, control information and pine wood nematode management was completely implemented, and save and review could automatically made. These results can provide the original electronic document for forecasting the future trends of the occurrence of forest pests and a technology platform for remote supervisory information collection. A trial test demonstrated that the hardware filtered and the software developed were well compatible and they could significantly improve the ground monitoring productivity for forestry pests.