桑树(Morus alba L.)适应性强,几千年来作为家蚕唯一的饲料源,在全国各省区广泛种植.由于桑树具有耐寒耐旱耐山火,可保持水土[1-2],萌生能力极强,对氯气、二氧化硫和硫化氢具较强耐受性[3]等特性,因而是生态改良的主要树种.桑果不仅基础营养物质含量丰富,而且富含氨基酸、维生素以及白藜芦醇、花青素等抗氧化活性物质[4],具有增强人体免疫力、延缓衰老和美容养颜等功效[5].然而,近年来桑疫病和菌核病等各类病害日趋严重,而现有针对桑树病害的化学农药防治方法所导致的负面影响亦日益凸显,严重制约生态桑产业的健康发展,故寻找高效且绿色环保的桑树病害防治方法已迫在眉睫.
植物内生菌(Endophytes)是生活于健康植物各组织器官的细胞间隙或者细胞内部,并与宿主植物和谐共处的一类微生物[6-7].作为植物微生态系统的重要组成部分,内生菌构筑了宿主植物的健康屏障[8-10],能够通过合成抗菌活性物质[11]、竞争性排阻[12]、促进植物生长[13]及诱导抗性[14]等方式增强宿主植物的抗病能力.近几年,对桑树内生菌多样性及利用其进行植物病害生物防治方面已有研究,但主要集中于培养法.路国兵等人[15]从不同桑树品种的不同组织中共分离得到内生细菌229个分离株,并从中筛选得到67个分离株对桑树炭疽病菌或桑粘格孢菌具有拮抗作用;谭广秀[16]从桑枝中分离获得内生细菌26个分离株,并从中筛选出2株具有抑菌活性的内生菌.此外,本研究小组的研究结果表明桑树内生拮抗菌成团泛菌(Pantoea agglomerans)及特基拉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus tequilensis)分别对桑细菌性疫病病原菌、桑椹缩小性菌核病病原菌有稳定而显著的抑制作用[17-18].然而培养法存在一定局限,无法全面客观反映植物内生菌的种群结构.因此,本文采用构建桑树内生细菌16S rDNA文库的非培养法和培养法,对桑树内生细菌的多样性进行系统研究,并检测培养法获得的内生细菌对桑疫病病原菌(丁香假单胞菌桑致病变种)等10株病原指示菌的拮抗作用,以期阐明内生菌与桑树共生过程中的功能和潜在作用,为利用内生菌进行桑树病害的生物防治提供新的资源.
Research on Biodiversity of Endophytic Bacteria and the Antagonistic Endophytes in Mulberry
- Received Date: 22/06/2016
- Available Online: 20/01/2017
Key words:
- mulberry endophytes /
- culture-independent method /
- culture-dependent method /
- biodiversity /
- antagonistic endophytes
Abstract: In order to lay a good foundation for the exploration and utilization of mulberry endophyte resources, the biodiversity of endophytes in mulberry was investigated and antibiotic endophytes were obtained in this study. A 16S rDNA clone library was constructed by the culture-independent approach, and the community characteristics of mulberry endophytes in Tongxiangqing (a variety of mulberry) were investigated in combination with the tissue isolation culture method. Using common plant pathogens as the target, antagonistic endophytes were screened out. The results obtained with the culture-independent method showed that the 111 positive clones in the library constructed belonged to 22 operational taxonomic units, involving 10 genera of 3 phyla. Among them, Sphingomonas, Massilia and Methylobacterium were the dominant populations. Twenty-five isolates were obtained from mulberry stems with the culture-dependent method on different media. They were classified into 15 operational taxonomic units, involving 12 genera of 3 phyla, with Enterobacter, Bacillus and Pantoea being the dominant genera. The populations of endophytic bacteria obtained through the culture-dependent method were quite different from those gained through the culture-independent method. Only Pseudomonas and Sphingomonas were common genera between them. Furthermore, both the biodiversity index and the evenness index of endophytic bacteria obtained through the culture-dependent method (H′ 2.54, D 0.91, J 0.79) were higher than those by the culture-independent method (H′ 2.21, D 0.84, J 0.48). Based on the results of an antagonism assay of 10 pathogens, as much as 18 endophytic bacteria in mulberry showed inhibitory activity on one or more pathogens. It is concluded from what is stated above that endophytic bacteria in mulberry have great biodiversity and contain a large number of strains with antimicrobial activity (72% of the total).