Why the Sense of Cultural écart and Cultural Mindfulness are so Important for
Cultural Confidence?
摘要: 文化自信始于文化自觉,文化表征的复杂性凸显了理解文化自信的心理机制以促进文化自信建设的重要意义。文化自觉引发文化归类和文化反思,由文化归类产生的文化间距感、由文化反思而产生的文化正念,是两种体验和认知文化的心理过程。超越文化距离建立的文化间距观、超越文化反思而建立的文化正念观,分别通过文化间性和文化能动性通达文化自信。文化间距与文化正念的观点和方法相互影响、共同作用,统整于文化自信的建构和发展。Abstract: The phenomena of cultural self-confidence originated in modernization, which is a core theme in understanding the mind of current Chinese people. The consciousness of culture under the pressure from the West triggers cultural reflection and classification, which may lead an attitude featured as arrogance, inferiority, or confidence towards culture. In this thesis, I proposed that the cultural mindfulness inspired by cultural reflection and the sense of cultural space (écart) induced by cultural classification are two distinct processes for people to experience and understand their own culture. Although those two kinds of self-reflective cultural ideology may contribute high level cultural confidence, the confidence adaptivity depends on interculturality and cultural intelligence. The psychological mechanism of those two cultural confidence processes should be fully investigated in the future studies.
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