The Influence of Oxyenadenine·Enadenine on the Physiological Biochemical Traits, Yield and Quality of Three Crops
摘要: 为了评价烯腺嘌呤·羟烯腺嘌呤对小麦、烟草、玉米生长发育和产量性状的影响,本研究通过田间药效试验及室内生化检测发现,施用不同剂量0.001%烯腺嘌呤·羟烯腺嘌呤水剂(有效成分为0.004 5,0.006,0.007 5,0.012 mg/kg)分别使小麦有效穗增加率2.8%~10.9%,增产率6.8%~19.8%,含糖量增加;施用药剂分别使烟草株高增加率为-0.9%~2.1%,叶面积增加率3.2%~21.3%,增产率8.5%~22.5%,钾/氯比有所改善、蛋白质含量略有降低、总糖含量增加;施用药剂分别使玉米穗位增加率为3.6%~7.0%,株高增加率为2.4%~3.6%,茎粗增加率为5.0%~8.6%,增产率为4.4%~11.8%,蛋白质、淀粉含量均提高.烯腺嘌呤·羟烯腺嘌呤可提高小麦、烟草、玉米生理功能的表达强度,增加产量,尤其是最高剂量(有效成分为0.012 mg/kg),显著改善植物蛋白质、淀粉、可溶性糖等品质.本研究为作物栽培中合理使用植物生长调节剂提供了参考依据.
- 烯腺嘌呤·羟烯腺嘌呤 /
- 小麦 /
- 烟草 /
- 玉米 /
- 调节
Abstract: To evaluate the influence of oxyenadenine·enadenine on the physiological biochemical traits, yield and quality of wheat, tobacco and maize, the field efficacy and biochemical trials was conducted in this study.The results showed that application of different doses of 0.001% oxyenadenine·enadenine aqueous solution (AS)(the active ingredients are 0.004 5, 0.006, 0.007 5, 0.012 mg/kg) increased effective ear by 2.8%~10.9%, the yield by 6.8%~19.8%, and the sugar content in wheat. In tobacco, the plant height, leaf area and yield were increased by -0.9%~2.1%, 3.2%~21.3% and 8.5%~22.5%, respectively, the potassium/chlorine ratio and total sugar content were improved, but the protein content was slightly reduced. In maize, the rates of ear position, plant height, stem diameter and yield were increased by 3.6%~7.0%,2.4%~3.6%,5.0%~8.6%,4.4%~11.8%, respectively, the contents of protein and starch were also improved.Oxyenadenine·enadenine can increase the intensity of physiological and biochemical function and yield of wheat, tobacco and maize, especially at the highest dose (active ingredient is 0.012 mg/kg), significantly improved the quality of plant protein, starch and soluble sugar. This study provided reference for rational use of plant growth regulators in crop cultivation.-
Key words:
- Oxyenadenine·enadenine /
- wheat /
- tobacco /
- maize /
- regulate .
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