数字图像具有丰富的用户信息与直观的表达能力,是多媒体技术中常用的介质,给用户的生活带来了极大的方便[1-2].但是,图像信息主要是借助开放的网络来传输,在传输过程中易遭遇攻击,导致信息泄露、篡改,给用户带来极大的安全隐患,因此如何避免图像受到网络攻击,使其安全传输至接收端,已经是当前各国学者研究的热点[3-4].较为主流的加密技术是采用置乱-扩散的加密结构,如Liu等人[5]提出了一种基于超混沌系统与动态S盒的图像加密技术,其加密密文能够有效抵御统计攻击. Ye等人[6]提出了一种基于波线置换和块扩散的混沌图像加密算法,实验数据验证了其算法的合理性与优异性.李凯佳等人[7]提出了一种基于DNA-记忆元胞自动机与Hash函数的图像加密算法,实验结果验证了其算法的实用性.但是,此类加密技术主要是在一个方向上对像素进行扩散,且在每一轮加密期间,都是利用相同的扩散函数来改变像素值,使其密文存在周期性,导致算法的安全性不够高.
An Image Encryption Algorithm Based on the Eight-Direction Folding and Self-Update Scrambling Technique
摘要: 当前的图像加密算法主要是在一个方向上对像素进行扩散,且在整个加密过程中,都是利用相同的扩散、混淆函数来改变像素位置与灰度值,导致算法的随机度与安全性不佳,因此本文提出了一种基于8方向折叠机制与自更新的图像加密算法.首先,联合Lucas、Fibonacci序列,通过二维Arnold变换设计一种像素自更新置乱算法,对输入明文进行混淆操作,充分提高像素位置的置乱度;引入Logistic映射,利用明文像素来生成其初始值,根据其随机序列的量化密钥流来设计8方向折叠机制,从8个方向对置乱图像进行高度加密,对于每一个方向的像素扩散,利用不同的加密函数来改变其像素值,显著降低了置乱、扩散的周期性.测试数据显示:与当前的图像加密机制相比,本文所提算法具有更高的安全性与用户响应值,其密文像素分布更为均匀.Abstract: The current image encryption algorithm suffers from the defects of low randomness and security, for it diffuses the pixels in one direction and uses the same diffusion function to change the pixel value in the whole encryption process. In order to solve this problem, a new image encryption algorithm based on the eight-direction folding mechanism and the quantum complex chaotic system is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a pixel self-update scrambling technique is designed by jointing the Lucas and the Fibonacci sequences and using the 2D Arnold transformation to scramble the image. Then, an 8-direction folding mechanism is designed based on the stochastic sequence of the logistic map to encrypt the highly scrambled images from 8 directions, so that different encryption functions are used to change their pixel values for significantly reducing the periodicity of scrambling and diffusion. The test data show that compared with the current image encryption algorithm, this new algorithm has higher security and user response, and more uniform distribution of cipher pixels.
表 1 每个方向的扩散密文对应的熵值
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