我国每年水稻种植面积达0.3亿hm2,60%以上人口以稻米为主食,发展水稻生产对保障我国粮食安全具有重要意义[1-2]. 随着生活水平的不断提高和我国市场经济的持续推进,人们对稻米的要求已从“吃饱”向“吃好”转变,优质米特别是优质香米越来越受消费者喜爱和稻米市场青睐[3],因此保证产量的同时提高香稻品质来满足当今市场的需求已成为当下稻米生产的一大趋势[4-5]. 香稻的品质和产量除受遗传因素控制外,还受到栽培环境、耕作措施以及施肥方法的影响[6-8]. 施含锌基肥[9]和含镧基肥[10]都能够改善稻米的外观品质并且增加产量,齐穗期叶面喷施增香剂能够显著提高香稻的脯氨酸质量分数,增加稻米香气[11];钾肥能够提高香稻糙米香气含量,并能一定程度改善香稻品质[12]. 增香栽培将上述的单项栽培措施集成一体,能够显著提高香稻糙米的香气和籽粒产量[13]. 增香栽培对水稻产量、香气以及外观品质的影响研究较多,但其对多个稻米品质性状的影响还鲜见报道. 本研究设置常规栽培和增香栽培2种处理模式,以4个优质常规香稻和4个优质杂交香稻为试验材料,旨在探明增香栽培对香稻产量和多个品质性状的影响,为香稻的高产优质栽培提供理论依据.
Effects of Aroma-enhancing Cultivation on Quality and Yield of High-quality Aromatic Rice
- Received Date: 21/06/2023
- Available Online: 20/02/2024
Key words:
- aromatic rice /
- aroma-enhancing cultivation /
- rice quality /
- yield
To investigate the effect of aroma-enhancing cultivation on the quality and yield of high-quality aromatic rice, four high-quality conventional fragrant rice varieties and four high-quality hybrid aromatic rice varieties were used as experimental materials to conduct comparative field experiments with conventional and aroma-enhancing cultivation methods in this study. Each high-quality aromatic rice was measured for proline content, grain quality, yield, and yield composition. Compared with conventional cultivation, the proline content and head-milled rate of aromatic rice, and the protein content and gel consistency of hybrid aromatic rice were significantly increased. The degree of chalkiness and the rate of chalkiness grain of hybrid aromatic rice and the amylose content of the aromatic rice decreased significantly. The RVA spectrum characteristics of starch viscosity of fragrant rice showed an overall decreasing trend with different degrees of decline. The pasting temperature of hybrid aromatic rice increased significantly, while cool paste viscosity, pasting temperature, and peak time of conventional aromatic rice showed no significant changes. There was a significant decrease in the flavor score of conventional aromatic rice, but no significant change in the flavor score of hybrid aromatic rice. In addition, aroma-enhancing cultivation had different effects on yield and yield composition. Among them, the yield and effective panicles of hybrid aromatic rice significantly increased, while the number of grains per panicle and thousand grain weight did not show significant changes.