社会科(Social Studies)是美国在中小学普遍开设的关于社会科学和人文科学的综合课程,旨在提升公民的能力,帮助公民在文化多元、政治民主、社会相互依存的世界中做出有利于公众利益的、有见地的、明智的抉择。在学校的课程计划中,社会科课程覆盖多个地位平等且自成体系的学科领域,包括历史学、地理学、人类学、考古学等。社会科课程从这些独立学科中选取适当的内容进行统整,同时融合自然科学的相关内容,形式多样,对中小学生价值观的形成具有深远影响。深入探究美国社会科价值观教育的特点,可为提升我国社会主义核心价值观教育的实效性提供一定的借鉴和启迪。
The Characteristics and Enlightenment of Value Education in American Social Studies
摘要: 美国中小学以社会科为载体开展公民教育,渗透核心价值观。美国社会科价值观教育的鲜明特点集中表现为:中心聚合、辐射发散的教学内容;因地制宜、特色鲜明的课程资源;自主选择、综合运用的教学方法。其对于我国中小学开展社会主义核心价值观教育具有启示意义:“同心圆”模式整合教材内容,提高价值观教育统整性;补充完善课程标准,提升价值观教育实效性;量体裁衣选取课程资源,提高价值观教育针对性;课上课下巧用教学方法,增强价值观教育灵活性;多元主体合力打造文化氛围,促进价值观教育一体性。Abstract: American primary and secondary schools use the social studies as a carrier to carry out civic education and penetrate core values. Its distinctive features are concentrated in the central aggregation-radiation divergence teaching content, localized curriculum, distinctive curriculum resources, independent choice, and diverse teaching methods. The enlightenment for the education of socialist core values in China's primary and secondary schools includes: the "concentric circle" model integrates the content of textbooks, thus improving the integrity of values education; the teaching and evaluation of curriculum standards should be improved to obtain higher effectiveness of value education; the curriculum resources should be selected based on the actual circumstances to enhance the pertinence of values education; teaching methods should be used flexibly to improve the flexibility of value education; multi-agents should work together to create a cultural atmosphere and promote the integration of values education.
Key words:
- social studies /
- core values /
- value education /
- primary and secondary education /
- curriculum teaching /
- curriculum standard .
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